I think for many's circumstances if anyone believes that they wanted to do something, forward to Bill Bowen. If you mention the Connecticut lawsuit and his confirmation on my posting, I trust that he'll take care of matters properly. Much thanks.
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
I was caught up with writing when you posted last evening.
'Media v. Lawsuit' was an interesting comment. -
I think of the media as eye catching advertisement. It makes a point, an impact and should motivate someone to become interested in the product or service, ultimately to the point of investing in such.
Law on the otherhand involves the details of the product. All the that goes into it needs to be clearly disclosed for persons to rely on. The where, when and how need clear definition. This also can patent the service or product so that no one else can touch it.
One of the symbols for law is the turtle. It may be painfully slow but a winner in the race.
There was a time past when Jehovah conducted a necessary legal case with the nation of Israel - Micah 6:2
It is my opinion that if legal action does not back up the media presentation, all the hard work and courage that those invested in presenting matters to the public could be lost. Worse than that, such lack of follow up could discredit those who cry out for help. If the pain is strong enough a person takes action, true?
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
Dear Erica,
I'm still up - it's the weekend anyways! It was nice to hear from you. I was anticipating the May Dateline show with eagerness and thought it was very well presented. You did a fine interview - surely what more can I say. Who with a good heart would not be moved with appreciation for your participation. I pray too that you continue courageous and enduring.
I have called other attorneys. Those in the mid and western parts of the country cannot take a case with ease in another state because each state has laws, rules and procedures differing from one another. Even if locally I could find another lawyer, they would not jump in on an appeal because the case is too far along (I made such an effort about 6 months ago) and it would be too time consuming for them to do catch up. Only if locally another case was pending with the same issues and Defendants (WT) would there be such a possiblility.
Clearly, my attorney is very renowned and quite a capable person who thrives on high profile and Constitution issues, so I know he can do the job, he just gets distracted because he keeps up a high work volume and has a firm of employees to get paid, therefore some cases (contingency) may be slower moving. That is why I do all that I personally can.
I appreciate your sincere and well wishes - yours NM
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
You are so funny. You talk about $12,000 and my original post was for $35 and even that could be negotiable. Dear God I know times are tough, can you imagine if I asked for more. There would be a let's linch Naomi post going. You wouldn't mind but I'm offering something of value in return even. It's late here on the east coast and you've at least made my heart a little lighter. It will help me sleep better. Thanks
Edited by - Naomimara on 30 June 2002 2:39:48
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
I am really surprised with what you just wrote. With little exception lawyers are business persons who are out to make money. Mine is a man who took my case on a contingency basis but because it has been so complicated (First Amendment) putting hours and hours on it is not feasible for his firm. That is why I did so much of the work myself. He was ready to give up two years ago. I went to a community college and worked exhaustingly so as to do much of the research and writing. I've stood before the "giants" and had to present arguments and I'm only 5'4".
This case is for the principle of the matter. I am not a hypocrite but neither will I leave the table because a few Judas' are sitting there.
When my case is over I am more than happy to go to sleep in death until a time when life will no longer be so trying. And believe me Jim, I don't want to owe anyone anything. That is why I replied the way I did about money. People don't just give me things. Everything in this life carries a price and I never would want anyone to be able to say that I used them or that I became rich off of them.
I don't want anything from you, really - Love NM
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
Why not call or e-mail Bill Bowen? He knows me. (Also, check verification back on the 19th). In fact he had some of my legal pleadings months ago and we've talked some. In fact if persons were interested we could have worked it out where they went through Bill as middleman.
You could easily check with any law library to verify the case in Connecticut. You could even get such information over the telephone.
What you said wasn't true and was unfair. No one need feel obligated to do anything - I have been very depressed lately and it be better that I don't feel beaten down more. You know to survive takes energy. I'd rather not say anymore on this thread if it causes negative reaction.
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
1. As I just replied to Frank, until the Catholic church scandal last year truly broke out, there was no interest generally to get involved with a religious organizational issue, especially JWs because the organizations reputation has been legally spotless and contributing to the 20th century freedom issues - some 42 US Supreme Court cases addressed. I first started the case in 1996 and even going to school for legal assistance, it took me some 2 years to find a lawyer who would take it. I have a list of women's organizations, anti-violence adm., trusts and grant funds, etc that I wrote and called on for help and direction. Most of the time I was told to give up; the issues being too great.
2. This case would help set precedent legally. It is one thing to sue an abuser, but to put blame on individuals who were in a position to help and who not only closed their eyes but to date are perpetrating abuse by refusing to take responsiblity while further using slander and other devious means to "get rid of the victim" (you well know the procedure from all the victims that have spoken out) is outrageous.
Sure, there is no reason why I should be disabled before my time and there is no reason that I shoud be in financial hardship because of what others got away with, so of course I am requesting damages in my lawsuit for injury. I have held out because an offer could have been made me last year but I said before the judge, 'I don't want to take some settlement, agree to a gag order and have to go on as if all is well. This case has to be heard, not just for me but for all the other victims out there.' Therefore I sacrificed a pretrial settlement.
3, I wouldn't waste time if I didn't think this case was right, just and with a good chance to win. As for funds there has already been tens of thousands invested. (By the way, I'm not asking anyone for thousands or hundreds or even fifties (smile)). I approached it more in light of 'here I have a piece of my hard work and creative writing (41 pages) for sale if anyone wants to buy it and help at the same time'. People write books all the time and sell them. True, its drier than a novel, but it is seriously unique and the legal arguments may be helpful to others who are considering a case or would like to share with an attorney in their area.
Is this helpful?
I'll tell you what. If anyone contributed, I would keep their address if they would like, and if and when I win, I will return 7 fold and if I don't get much at least I can double it. Now isn't that a good deal?
Thanks - NM
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
It would be difficut to state step by step all avenues that I have tried working with. Most civil liberties issues that are acceptable have been secular. Remember, JWs are hated people and when it comes to church v. state (or individual) the wall is insurmountable. I am grateful for the attorney of record who is courageous to step up to the plate, nevertheless he puts my case off many times for a project more lucrative. At this point, I've secured all legal prepartions to date on the case as far as possible but what has happened is that I have spent so much energy with matters, and am in debt so greatly, that I have trouble meeting daily expenses. I will though, because of the Catholic church scandal consider some of the past organizations and take your suggestion but remember, at best they would provide legal expense. I don't think they care if I have a bed, shower or vehicle do you?
Thanks, I appreciate your communicating - NM
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
You would have to go back to my June 19th posting to read what my plea was. IF someone were interested in reading my legal complaint and was IN A POSITION to help with a contribution then that would have been appreciated. Even if someone would not be able to respond with what I requested, and they communicated that a smaller amount could be sent, I would have welcomed such. Even suggestions as to other ways to manage would have been welcomed. I have exhausted my resources beyond my ability and have no where else to turn. The fact that not much was said by anyone is what has been a little frightening.
Nevertheless, realistically, I know that money is the formidible roadblock to all projects as the lack of response to my past posting is part of the reality of life that I have to accept.
Thank you for asking,
my may 19th posting "please help..." had almost 800 readers.
for this i am thankful.
nevertheless, i'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help.
My May 19th posting "PLEASE HELP..." had almost 800 readers. For this I am thankful.
Nevertheless, I'd welcome feedback on why no one wanted to help. I'm a bit confused because after reading this discussion board for a period of time, with the strong sentiments expressed on it to seek redress for covered up abuses, I thought this was where I should humbly reach out for help.
It's okay if no one wants to, I do feel a little embarrassed now for asking, but perhaps for the future someone may have a suggestion as to why what I posted was not a good idea.