He predestined His elect to salvation before the foundation of the world.
This is a doctrine that makes trying to live a life pleasing to God as absolutely useless if you were not "predestined" to grace! You might just as well "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die," because no matter you try and live a godly life your time and effort is a waste.
5. Perseverence of the Saints- True Believers cannot lose their salvation. If God did choose you, then He cannot "un-choose" you. If you did "fall away from the faith" then you were never really in it.
Flatly contradicts Christ's words in Matt. 12:31, 32, regarding the unforgivable sin. By saying God can't "un-choose" someone, you deny the very soverignty mentioned earlier, when you said God can do what He wants. Which is it? Sounds to me like you're teaching "doctrines of men." (Matt. 15:1-9).
This "If you did "fall away from the faith" then you were never really in it" is a convenient "out" to explain why someone so zealous years before has cooled since. Maybe they were stumbled by the actions of higher-ups whom God didn't reprove promptly (and therefore, allowed on of His sheep to be stumbled). That's what a loving God does?
Hobbes is right. We act out of self-interest. The late Lenny Bruce once said we're all as honest as we can afford to be.
Edited by me to add the last three lines.
Edited by - Kingpawn on 7 December 2002 6:39:12