Posts by Kingpawn

  • Kingpawn

    Scripture I can't find

    by Kingpawn in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    can anyone tell me where to find the verse that says "god is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow?

    " thanks!

    1. simplesally
    2. Satanus
    3. minimus
  • Kingpawn

    Can anyone tell me where to find the verse that says "God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow?" Thanks!

  • JanH

    Test: Where do you stand politically?

    by JanH in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    sometimes political orientation is described through a left-right axis only, which is obviously inadequate as it tends to associate gandhi and stalin, and make pol pot a radical and hitler a conservative.. this is a good, short test that asks you a number of questions and places you on a two-dimensional axis.. take it here:

    i took the test and got the following result:.

    your political compass:economic left/right: -1.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.21. that is, centrist with a slight leftist bent, strongly libertarian.

    1. Soledad
    2. glitter
    3. Frannie Banannie
  • Kingpawn

    Your political compass
    Economic Left/Right: -2.38
    Authoritarian/Libertarian: -3.74

    Some of the questions were skewed to the right as well, such as "what's good for a corporation is ultimately best for us" and "the primary responsibility of a corporation is...stockholders" (can't remember how it went).

    Economically, I'd say it accurately graphed me. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "neither a Keynesian nor a supply-sider me." I have problems with both, but more with supply-side economics.

    Libertarian-wise, again pretty good. I'm not ready to throw all rules to the wind, but I have strong dislikes to the government telling me I have to wear seat belts, or a helmet, etc. I do/would do those anyway, recognizing what i see as value in so doing; it's being told to do so, like I'm a kid, that rankles.

    LDH--are you thinking of Worldcom, the telecommunications company?

  • Wendy

    Americans take a poll/Pledge of Allegiance

    by Wendy in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    hey all.

    i have been pretty busy this past week, and have not kept up with all the topics here.

    i wanted to see what americans or others feel about the new ruling on the pledge of allegiance being illegal in schools.

    1. DakotaRed
    2. Amazing
    3. DazedAndConfused
  • Kingpawn


    That ruling would apply only to states covered by the Ninth Circuit Court, not the whole country. But I imagine it'll get to the US Supreme Court within a year.

  • Bleep

    Where is the proof Jehovahs people abuse children?

    by Bleep in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    here is what this "special topic" describes with deadly false propaganda.. "a person might ask why we would single out the witnesses in this matter.

    as with other fundamentalist cults, the watchtower goes by the bible advice only when it comes to exposing crimes regarding children or anyone else, that there must be two or more witnesses to a crime.

    since abuse and molestation are rarely seen by anyone other than the perpetrator and the victim (and the victim will rarely testify against himself), perhaps hundreds or thousands of cases have gone unpunished, and the perpetrator has not been brought to the police, and the congregation has not been told.

    1. Bleep
    2. larc
    3. dungbeetle
  • Kingpawn


    The Dateline show aired. If it was false and unsubstantiated, wouldn't the Society have attacked AT ONCE via the courts? Wouldn't they have slapped a hefty lawsuit on Dateline and the network? Of course they would. And they knew for months the story was heating up in the public mind. To NOT sue when a story was false would have sent a bad message to the flock.

    Even if you can't find proof of the scandal, the truthfulness of the charges can be inferred from common sense. For example, if all the Society does is say, in response to any questions about the show or its charges, "Never mind. It's Satan's attempt to destroy the organization via lies, so don't even watch it," and stops there...what else can you think but that it's true? Is that how an innocent party, wrongly accused, would react?

    If the same charges were made about you, and you didn't protest your innocence, what else could a third party think but that silence gives assent?

    All I can say to the claim that w/o two witnesses a claim of abuse can't be validated is come ON! Like the molestor will invite others to see? Even if he did, and they didn't stop him but either (1) participated or (2) kept silent about it, that'd make them accessories to the crime, or co-conspirators when they all tried to stonewall it.

    Oh, and if they're lying (the alleged victims) don't you think Jehovah will set things right eventually? But He surely wouldn't expect his organization to take hits like a punching bag, would He?

  • JWinSF

    Dr. Nicolosi and homosexuality

    by JWinSF in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    i was going to respond to isps topic on preventing homosexuality dr. j nicolosi, but due to its number of responses, decided to start a new topic.. nicolosi's comments were prominently referred to in the three 1995 awake!

    articles about homosexuality in the "young people ask" section.

    i had just come out recently and read the articles.

    1. singsongboi
    2. spaz
    3. FriendlyFellaAL
  • Kingpawn
    I'm unsure if you're an xjw.

    I am, but I don't have any way to prove it! Maybe there's a central database in Brroklyn and someone could hack it to find me on the list?

    listeners are elders. You're not "listening' to what I said. I said that homosexual orientation is the involuntary mechanism of the mind. I said that choice enters when someone decides to engage in homosexual behaviour or not to engage in the behaviour. Do you remember that?

    The first "I said..." quoted above was in your previous post. The second I couldn't find. Was it in the original thread?

    Intolerance amongst a group that you consider brothers or friends makes life even more unbearable for something you never wished upon yourself.

    This was never a problem. The JW's never knew. At that time, neither did I. IOW, I considered myself bi and suffering more of heterosexuality.

    Suicide is a remedy for some sufferers, you know that. Now, the sufferer has five options:(i) Either he(or she) acquiesces to the sexual craving and engages in the behaviour,(ii) he remains celibate forever,(iii)forces himself into heterosexuality and the anguish that brings or (iv) seeks reparative therapy which, contrary to what the Homosexual Activists claim, is highly successful or (v) suicide.

    That word "sufferer" will forever get my hackles up, no matter how many times you try and okay its use. Here one suffers from headaches, or diseases, or other unpleasant/unhealthy things. I for one don't feel its something I need option (iv) for. Those people, imo, have been goaded into it by people laying guilt trips on them about being gay. Too concerned with what others think. Screw that. I had done (iii) but now am sick to death of it; (i) is my choice now.

    Was the group associated with the FRC you were trying to recall Exodus International? I think strongly they were the one where the two top guys in it fell in love with each other, set up house together, and as a result Exodus folded.

    FriendlyFella's probably right in that there will never be statistics on ex-gay ministries' results being compiled by some group w/o an axe to grind one way or another. It'll always be as politicized as the debate over the harmful effects of pot use.

    Nice talking with you,


  • refiners fire

    Are women naturally "Bi" ?

    by refiners fire in
    1. social
    2. relationships

    just a question.

    actually a friend of mine, alex, (who hopefully might read this and commence posting on this board) has been insisting for 20 years that women are naturally bi sexual.

    i laughed at his claims.. but now, looking around here, and based on numerous group chats ive had with women on this site, there seems to be some evidence that his theory is correct.

    1. professor
    2. kenpodragon
    3. DCs Ghost
  • Kingpawn

    Terafera, thanks for the feedback, and some quick feedback on the last part of your post:

    Men are supposed to be strong, masuline, so if I saw two with their arms wrapped around them, I'd think they were gay. My women friends and I are close and will walk in malls with our arms wrapped around each others waists. I"m sure its because women are more touchy feely and more sensual creatures.

    There are some societies around the world where two men can do this in public and they are friends, but not gay, and no one thinks anything bad about it.

    Something over a year ago, I read of an incident in California. A 14 yo girl from Morrocco or Algeria, where women doing what you describe above is perfectly normal, was assaulted by several people for doing exactly what you and your friends do. They used antigay slurs during the attack.

    The reason I mention this is that, with our economy becoming more and more global in orientation (pun intended), today's 20somethings are going to experience more and more contact with other societies. If they haven't learned about cultures such as this young girl's, or aren't able to be more neutral (tolerant, if one prefers) when they do, they'll be in for a LOT of culture shock someday. Might cost the company they work for lost business or damages from lawsuits.

    It says a lot for this group that a topic like this can be discussed so calmly.


  • JWinSF

    Dr. Nicolosi and homosexuality

    by JWinSF in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    i was going to respond to isps topic on preventing homosexuality dr. j nicolosi, but due to its number of responses, decided to start a new topic.. nicolosi's comments were prominently referred to in the three 1995 awake!

    articles about homosexuality in the "young people ask" section.

    i had just come out recently and read the articles.

    1. singsongboi
    2. spaz
    3. FriendlyFellaAL
  • Kingpawn


    I take issue with the following:

    Socarides, Nicolosi and others have aided sufferers to divest themselves from the orientation.

    Sufferers!? The only "suffering" I have is being called queer, faggot, pansy, fag, and so on. Or from knowing that as the law now stands I can be fired from my job, thrown out of my apartment (if I had one), lose custody/visitation rights in a divorce, be denied service in a restaurant or hotel, even be denied credit--all legally, unless cities have passed ordinances banning some or all of these practices (see if interested). The gay community didn't ask for these laws; people who think being gay is a choice did. Apparently they feel this is an economic disincentive that will make gays "change."

    Divest themselves? Again, you seem to fall into the trap of sexual orientation being a choice. Two questions then: (1) when did you decide to be whatever your orientation is? Bet you can't come up with a day or a time. You didn't choose any more than I did. And (2) given the disadvantages cited above, why would someone voluntarily choose such a lifestyle? A police officer, soldier, or spy risks their life in the performance of their job because they are serving a higher goal. What higher goal does a person who's anything other than straight serve by "choosing" such a bleak alternative?

    Understand I don't necessarily consider you anti-gay. I would like to offer food for thought to whoever else decides to read or post here.
