Are women naturally "Bi" ?

by refiners fire 123 Replies latest social relationships

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Just a question. Actually a friend of mine, Alex, (who hopefully might read this and commence posting on this board) has been insisting for 20 years that women are naturally Bi Sexual. I laughed at his claims.

    But now, looking around here, and based on numerous group chats Ive had with women on this site, there seems to be some evidence that his theory is correct. Ive been in chat with girls on this site that i thought were staid as could be, only to find them cyber groping each other after 15 minutes of chat!

    Just a theory, mind! Im just floating a point for discussion here. No fixed opinions on my part, but there seems to be girls all over this board expressing desire and attraction for one another, but very few of the males. I havent been in group chat with guys here and had them expressing desire toward each other. What do you think?

    Do women swing both ways, because it is in their nature ?( sounds like the kind of question Carrie off "sex in the city" might ask)

  • Solace

    Hi Refiners.

    Im not sure if women are naturally bi. I think women may flirt with women because its safer than flirting with men sometimes. I find women attractive as much as I find men attractive. I have always believed that people can fall in love with an (individual). I dont know that it always happens because of what gender they happen to be. People have argued with me on that one though. Does that make me Bi? Im not sure. I have never been with a woman and will probably never be. Guess one never knows.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango
    Ive been in chat with girls on this site that i thought were staid as could be, only to find them cyber groping each other after 15 minutes of chat!

    i can garantee that half of these women (if not most) wouldn't actually act upon what they say to eachother. i've had MANY private conversations with women from this board who 'seem' bisexual or into having sex with other women, but have confessed it's all just talk .

    and i think your theory is off, refiners. my sister thinks my sexual tendancies with women is disgusting. i also recieved some really nasty emails from female posters on this board regarding an ancient thread i wrote about being bisexual.

  • Xena

    Someone was mean to Mango???????? (where is that darn mean face when I need it????????)

    I think society in general lately has made it more acceptable for women to speak openly of an attraction they might have for another woman, actually they are enouraged in it by the men. lol some women might just do it because of the positive attention they receive from men when they flirt with other women, then again, maybe not

    Personally I find other women attractive and am glad that I now feel comfortable expressing this appreciation of their beauty, both internal and external. I am "flirted" with the idea of a bi-sexual experience but haven't had one yet....but who knows what the future holds? Should Mango ever find her way to Texas......

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    It's probably true, most of the women like to flirt, but in reality, most aren't into that sort of thing, doesn't feel right.

    I used to think I'd never want to french kiss another woman, let alone do anything else, but let's just say things have changed. I've had a few encounters that have been very sensual with other women and I'm not against it at all anymore.

    Women really can have it all, lol.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yep the theory is open to modification. hell, its not even my theory, but watching around here at the moment causes me to wonder..... hmmm.

    Actually, I will make a shocking confession, Ive been attracted to men before. !!

    There was a young guy in the dubs when I was a teenager of 18 that I constantly found myself wanting to touch, and looking at his body.Especially when we used to go swimming in the nudey( Away you vile thoughts!! ), more recently, like about 5 years ago there was a young man at work that i must admit I found myself looking at all the time and even imagining having sex with. Shocking but true. But those are the only two instances.

    Was I bi as well???? But couldnt admit it?


    Yes, I think women are naturally bi-curious, atleast. I know I am! But from observing other lesbian relationships, they seem so high-maintenance!

    I would definitely feel like I hadn't truly lived life if I hadn't at least tried it.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."i've had MANY private conversations with women from this board who 'seem' bisexual or into having sex with other women, but have confessed it's all just talk "....

    Yeah mango. but WHY are they talking about it? Why are they "pretending",if thats what they are doing.

    I dont talk to guys here in chat, with a female audience, and come onto the guy as a gag, or to flirt. But a lot of girls do. (Well, I postulate they do) Why are those girls doing that? are they secretly bi? and cant fully face the fact.

    Xena,oh great one, nice to see you. (Pierced too)

  • Xena

    thought this was interesting...

    5 Myths About Bisexuality: Official Handout
    Playing Safe With Both Teams: Bisexuality and HIV Prevention Conference

    1. Myth: Bisexuality only is a transition phase for people coming out as gay or lesbian.

    Reality: Some gay and lesbian people identify as bisexual before coming out as gay or lesbian. Likewise, some people who now identify as bisexual previously identified as gay or lesbian. Other people identify as bisexual their whole lives. For some people, their experience of sexuality is fluid, something that can change over the course of their lifetimes.

    2. Myth: Bisexuals are equally attracted to men and women.

    Reality: Some are. But many people who identify as bisexual are be more attracted to men or more attracted to women. Some say they are attracted to men and women in different ways, and others say gender is not relevant to whom they are interested in. One way of understanding this is the Kinsey scale. Kinsey put sexual orientation on a scale from 0 to 6, with 0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 exclusively homosexual. Much attention focuses on the Kinsey "3" -- a perfect bisexual who is exactly one half way between gay and straight. But people whose experiences fall in the 1 to 5 range may also chose to identify as bisexual.

    3. Myth: Bisexual people are more promiscuous than heterosexual or gay and lesbian people.

    Reality: Bisexuality is a sexual orientation. It is independent of the decision to be monogamous or non-monogamous. Some heterosexuals, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are monogamous, others are not. It is a mistake to assume that because someone has the potential to be attracted to men and women, they must have twice as many sex partners.

    4. Myth: Bisexuals need at least one partner of each gender.

    Reality: Bisexuals have the potential to be attracted to more than gender, but they do not necessarily need to have a partner of each gender. Most bisexuals do not have to be involved with more than one gender at a time in order to feel fulfilled.

    5. Myths:
    Everyone is bisexual. No one is bisexual.

    Reality: These two statements reflect the our culture's mixed messages about bisexuality, and neither is true. Some people identify as bisexual. Many more will have had, and will continue to have, sexual experiences with both men and women.

    Edited by - Xena on 21 June 2002 0:19:28

  • Xena

    and this....ok ok I am bored..

    What is Bisexuality?

    Bisexuality is the potential to feel sexually attracted to and to engage in sensual or sexual relationships with people of either sex. A bisexual person may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and the degree of attraction may vary over time.

    Self-perception is the key to a bisexual identity. Many people engage in sexual activity with people of both sexes, yet do not identify as bisexual. Likewise, other people engage in sexual relations only with people of one sex, or do not engage in sexual activity at all, yet consider themselves bisexual. There is no behavioral ``test'' to determine whether or not one is bisexual.

    How Common Is Bisexuality?

    It is not easy to say how common bisexuality is, since little research has been done on this subject; most studies on sexuality have focused on heterosexuals or homosexuals. Based on research done by Kinsey in the 1940s and 1950s, as many as 15-25% of women and 33-46% of men may be bisexual, based on their activities or attractions. Bisexuals are in many ways a hidden population. In our culture, it is generally assumed that a person is either heterosexual (the default assumption) or homosexual (based on appearance or behavioral clues.) Because bisexuality does not fit into these standard categories, it is often denied or ignored. When it is recognized, bisexuality is often viewed as being ``part heterosexual and part homosexual,'' rather than being a unique identity. Bisexuality threatens the accepted way of looking at the world by calling into question the validity of rigid sexual categories, and encourages acknowledgment of the existence of a diverse range of sexuality. Since there is not a stereotypical bisexual appearance or way of acting, bisexuals are usually assumed to be either heterosexual or homosexual. In order to increase awareness, bisexuals have begun to create their own visible communities.

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