diamondiiz said:
As had been said before, dubs are cheap and only few give more than they have to, this may have something to do with low education and lower paying jobs per capital when dealing with jws. WTS created this and they can't squeeze blood out of a stone. Mormons on the other hand have many better educated ones who generate a better revenue for their cult which wts doesn't seem to get. If wts wants more cash they need to push for higher education so the younger generation of dubs can contribue more. They can thank all wise leaders for this.
As you say, I think DF'd and DA'd are not a problem for them.
I served in a foreing language congregation. This congregation is one of the few that actually have new members in the area. Well, where is the growing coming from? From poor people, inmigrants without papers, not really interested in the doctrines but in having support from a group.
The other congregations sharing the KH, are upset with us because our contributions are very low. In fact, we can't pay our part for the maintenance of the Hall.
The country of origin of these people, where the number of publishers is growing fast, has the same problem. We could say this kind of branches are subsidized by branches in the first world.
If this trend continues both in first world countries (where growing comes from poor inmigrants and poor minorities) and in third world countries I forecast a black future for the Watchtower, at least financially.
Also this trend could move them to change from being so focused on doctrines, what at the same time would prevent people more educated and rich to become witnesses.