It's actually embarrassing that any of us actually believe in fairly tale about Adam and Eve.
God creates a naive couple, which have never been exposed to deceit, and then lets Satan, a wise a shrewd being, tempt them into eating an apple, which shockingly they end up doing.
Then once God realizes they ate the apple, instead of seeing that it's actually his fault for exposing them to Satan, he issues a death sentence to them, and to all their descendants, for eating that apple.
Then god lets this nonsense go on for 6000 years, because there is a doubt on whether humans can live well without God. Now most of these 6000 years were times of brutal pain, hunger, disease, and despair for humans, but he did nothing. And now that the quality of life is actually getting better for mankind, he is going to destroy everything to ensure he is not wrong.
Well done God, you're a real idiot.