Some Democrats are zealously pushing the impeachment route to get rid of Trump. Even if you don’t like him, do you support impeachment proceedings?
Do You Think Trump Should Be Impeached?
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
I don't think Pelosi is a stupid as people think. I believe she knows that all the factual evidence of Trumps financial misdeeds will come out during proceedings in the election year and thus be present in the minds of the electorate. Its a matter of timing, not simply timidity towards impeachment. For this reason and the fact that its their fricken job to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic that I support impeachment of Cheeto.
First vote for impeachment... keep em coming
doesn't the president have to break the law first before impeachment proceedings? Just sayin
Not in this country, nowwhat
There is no law established for a US president against incompetent stupidity, lying and general creepiness. so Trump will stay until he's voted out.
Unless the House Judiciary Committee has something new, no. Complete waste of time and money. I'm glad my Representative is not on that Committee.
For what it's worth, Congress is really good at wasting time and money so I guess it is business as usual.
Democrats better keep trying because Trump will win hands down on November 3rd 2020.
Yes vanderhooven wouldn't want the majority to win the election!😂 -
My question, how many members of Congress were in Congress during Clinton's terms and are still in Congress?
"Unless" edit you have lived through it from behind the scenes, I doubt you have a good overall grasp of the process in real life.
Sorry, I should read my posts 3 times before posting.