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JoinedPosts by patricia
Celine Dion
by JH inwould you go and see celine dion give a show in las vegas?
do you like her music?
celine dion poses with artictic director franco dragone at a news conference after the opening of her show, "a new day," at the colosseum at caesars palace on las vegas.
Question about the Annointed.
by patricia inwhen you were still a jw, what was your concept of what happened to those of the "annointed" who had died.
i remember the scoffing and tittering when we were out in field service when a householder mentioned their belief that their loved ones were in "heaven".
we were told to ask them "what was heaven like?, were there pearly gates, did people eat up there, did they have emotions?
Added to my initial question - I know that most of us here do not believe that the 144,000 is a literal number. But do you believe that there is a symbolic 144,000 and a separate great crowd, or do we all have the option of living on earth or in heaven? If there is a symbolic 144,000 class that do go to heaven, what happens then? Can they communicate with us? Are they like guardian angels?
Question about the Annointed.
by patricia inwhen you were still a jw, what was your concept of what happened to those of the "annointed" who had died.
i remember the scoffing and tittering when we were out in field service when a householder mentioned their belief that their loved ones were in "heaven".
we were told to ask them "what was heaven like?, were there pearly gates, did people eat up there, did they have emotions?
When you were still a JW, what was your concept of what happened to those of the "annointed" who had died. I remember the scoffing and tittering when we were out in field service when a householder mentioned their belief that their loved ones were in "heaven". We were told to ask them "What was heaven like?, Were there pearly gates, did people eat up there, did they have emotions?" etc. This, I guess was to let them know how ridiculous this premise of "heaven" was. But I don't remember ever being given any insight about what happened to the annointed when they died. We were told they would be excellent kings (queens) and priests because they had been human, so would empathize with us down here, but we were never told just how that would take place. We were shown pictures of them sitting literally on Jesus right hand, but their actual residing place, their jobs, their relationship with humans, their relationship with each other, their spirit status (were they some form of angel) was never discussed. How did you picture the annointed when you thought about them being in heaven?
Edwards & Brown... what do you think???
by Tashawaa inhas anyone seen/watch "crossing over" (john edwards) or seen sylvia brown?
i do believe there are scam artists out there, and i'm not prone to believing in psychics, but these two are very convincing.. i don't believe its demons, because quite frankly i think they have better things to do then get to know someone's life so well they can "mimic" them after death .
part of me is very attracted to "their message" - even the animals "cross over"... but the skeptic in me .
Just a further note. When I called for the tickets it was to an 800 number not connected to John Edwards. I had to say what tickets I was interested in purchasing as they had tickets for dozens of different events. When I bought them I used a corporate credit card with a numbered company as the name. The corporate address is in a different city than where I live. The tickets are being held for me at the auditorium so I didn't have to give any personal info whatsoever. When I gave the name for the ticket, I used my maiden name. I wanted to cover all my bases to make sure there was no way any info could be discovered about me ahead of time.
I agree totally with your description of the soul as a spirit.
I'll report back later.
Edwards & Brown... what do you think???
by Tashawaa inhas anyone seen/watch "crossing over" (john edwards) or seen sylvia brown?
i do believe there are scam artists out there, and i'm not prone to believing in psychics, but these two are very convincing.. i don't believe its demons, because quite frankly i think they have better things to do then get to know someone's life so well they can "mimic" them after death .
part of me is very attracted to "their message" - even the animals "cross over"... but the skeptic in me .
Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I posted, but I just couldn't resist this one. I too am a sceptic. Who wouldn't be after the borg. But I was very interested in John Edwards after a discussion I had with a member of a different religious sect about the borg's beliefs about life after death. I have always been so programmed to believe that we like in a sleep-like state until we are to be resurrected in the new world, that I have never allowed myself to consider an alternative to this belief let alone open my mind to the possiblilty that the spirit does transcend the physical body and is aware of our activities. Yet the Bible has given us examples of this on numerous occasions in both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. If the 144,000 supposedly went to heaven as spirit creatures remembering the human form and emotions making them more empathetic to our earthly needs, and now that most of us here on the board agree that this is a symbolic number, why would it not be logical that those who are in God's favour when they die would become spirit beings and are aware of what is happening here on earth.
Back to John Edwards. Because of a widening of my belief system I started watching him regularly and objectively. For the last year I have taped the majority of his shows, rewatching them and scrutinizing everything he and those he talks too in his audience says. I researched every site I could find dealing with "cold reading" and fraudulent mediums. It is amazing how little negative press has been written about Mr. Edwards.
The next thought I had (again my programming coming into the fore), well if a lot of what he is saying isn't guessing and being an excellent cold reader, then he must be demonized. But I have to say I change my mind on that one when an audience member asked him if you could communicate with the dead by way of Ouiji Board. He hesitated a few moments and then said yes. He hesitated again and then said "I wouldn't recommend it though." He asked the questioner if he would let a stranger into his house without any qualms and the answer of course was no. He then asked why you would even consider letting a stranger that you knew nothing about into your house by way of a ouiji board. He said that it could be very dangerous and not something to even consider. Didn't sound very demonized to me. The majority of people that come through seem to be extremely loved and decent individuals. Some of the things that come through are too accurate to be coincidence.
Anyway, I decided that the only way I could substantiate my curiosity was to be in the audience of one of his shows. So when I saw that he was holding a series of seminars in November I called and reserved tickets. The seminar is in a couple of weeks and I am going with an open mind and lots of curiosity. I will let everyone know what happens.
Child Sexual Abuse Not In 10 Commandment, Why Not?
by Guest 77 inplease view the following site and get spell bound.
religious pedophiles want to be protected under the first amendment?
why wasn't child sexual abuse and rape not included in the ten commandments?
The article you posted about the Catholic Church was excellent. There are a lot of parallels with J.W.'s problems with child abuse and the "higher ground" the society takes when defending themselves. It's taken a lot of time for the Clergy to get the negative press and legal action that's happening now, and the WTS isn't far behind!
Excellent factual and concise article. I'm wondering if we could e-mail this to Oprah as part of the campaign to get her to do a show on Silent Lambs and to her Doctor friend who now has his own show and was talking about doing a show on religious shunning? It also might help Silent Lambs be nominated for the "Use Your Life Award" on Oprah.
Your viewing/posting habits?
by jack2 insome questions for posters: .
how often do you visit this site per day/week?
how many threads do you read/reply to, on average?
I check the board before leaving for work in the morning, and then at bedtime just to update myself on any new happenings. I very rarely post. I don't feel comfortable posting, unless it is replying to a topic that I feel strongly about. I have never started a thread. :)
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know,
I've always enjoyed your posts but never answered before.
Obviously apostate dubs at one time did believe that there was a solid foundation of our faith otherwise you wouldn't have spent those many years trying to convince others that you had the truth. Many of you were elders, ministerial servants, pioneers, and some even anointed. Where you that stupid
Yes I guess we were that stupid. As were the followers of Jimmy Jones, and Charles Manson and Hitler etc. Many were willing to "die" for their beliefs, many have! I would like your thoughts on parents kidnapping their grown children from (just as an example) the People's Temple back in the late 70's. That child believed with all of his heart that Jim Jones was inspired when he developed the belief called Translation in which he and his followers would all die together, and would move to another planet for a life of bliss. (Doesn't that sound familiar.)
So who was wrong? The parent that saved his child's life by kidnapping him? Jim Jones because he believed he had God's direction and holy spirit and relayed his beliefs to his followers or was it the child who after being out of the influence of Jones realized that Jones didn't have the "truth" after all.
In that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the Governing Body, the Watchtower Society's teachings, as well as individual Jehovah's Witnesses, then that somehow means that Jehovah's Witnesses have no connection with Jehovah God.
Why do presume to connect Jehovah"s Witnesses with Jehovah. Jim Jones thought he was a messiah sent to expose the hypocrisy of white Christianity. How do you know he wasn't? Jehovah's Witnesses are just one of many groups that claim to have the correct interpretation of the Bible.
The dilemma then facing apostates is this: While the Watchtower has not informed us about Jehovah's judgment upon the faithful slave and the organization as a whole, the Bible is quite clear that Jehovah's judgment begins with his own house first and that it is God's purpose to remove all faithless and arrogant ones from the midst of his people and reveal the whole truth
This again presumes that "his own house" has something to do with Jehovah's Witnesses. When Jesus found wrongdoing in the "house" of his father, he made a whip of ropes and drove them from the temple. Why don't J.W's follow Jesus' example and do the same thing with abusers that disgrace his name. It again sounds similiar to Jim Jones. When congressman visited in 1978 some of Jone's follower's tried to leave. Unwilling to accept this "lack of faith" Jones had Ryan and four others shot and many more were injured. Then the consensus was reached to commit group suicide. (If you didn't participate then you were murdered). The organization does the same thing. If you question the teachings, or try to leave (fade) you will be accused of either committing spiritual suicide (disassociating yourself) or you will be spiritually murdered (disfellowshipped).
Jehovah has told us there will be a new heavens and a new earth. He will deal with all individuals on the earth, not just Jehovah's Witnesses. Those who claim to represent him (no matter what their "faith" is) will be dealt with first because they are more reprehensible and therefore more accountable. Jehovah reads hearts not the name on the church or Kingdom Hall they attend. Anyone that has had a personal relationship with him knows the loving and kind Father he is. He doesn't want us to worship him out of fear but love, and he definitely would not want us to remain in or support an organization that brings such reproach on His name.
Fuel Pump Fire Danger
by revdrjohnson inthis was sent to us today, at ford engineering:.
the petroleum equipment institute is working on a campaign to try and make people aware of fires as a result of "static" (that is, static electricity) at gas pumps.
they have researched 150 cases of these fires.
Thanks for the heads up. We have a van and I have gotten back in it on numerous occasions at self-serve stations to get my money to pay for the gas. You never think of "static" as actually causing fires.
I intend to pass this along to family and friends.
Thanks again