" Nobody can be that wilfully ignorant. " he is a Troll, and deliberately ignorant in the chosen comments, I suspect this Troll knows the Truth.
There are, sadly, in this the Information Age, many who are wilfully ignorant, a couple of clicks of a mouse and Bingo ! there is your Information, which the sensible then Fact Check etc.
The worrying ones are, not only lazy older ones, but especially the younger ones who it seems if there isn't an App. for it on their surgically attached 'phone, they will go no further to find real Factual, True Information.
People who fit that description on this Site surprise me, surely after years of being lied to by the Org. they want to know what is True ???
Evolution, as you said Cofty IS TRUE ! Undeniably, if anyone thinks they can blow a huge hole in it, GO AHEAD ! Win yourself a Nobel Prize !