Topics Started by Phizzy
Great Vid from "Faith to Faithless" U.K about leaving.
by Phizzy in
Further Crisis looming for JW org re Safeguarding ?
by Phizzy inif you substitute j.w org for c of e this really hits home : (from bbc news site) :.
the church of england risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said.
(prof. alexis jay).. "i think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and i do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the bbc..
U.K to remove time limit for Abuse Cases.
by Phizzy inat present the u.k has a preposterous rule that cases of csa can only be brought within three years of the victim turning 18.. this time limit meant that many cases did not go to court, as the poor victims did not feel able to talk about their ordeals at that age.
the time limit of 3 years will be removed, at last, as was recommended by the independent inquiry in to csa back in 2022.. kim harrison, president of the association of personal injury lawyers, said the three-year deadline was "wholly inappropriate".. "it will now be the burden of defendants to prove that the passage of time has created an unfair trial, rather than on the victim or survivor to prove a fair trial is possible," she said.. j.w.
paedophiles will now be brought to justice.
Big Local Case, Sexual Abuse by former Elder, Police Raided the Kingdom Hall ! Kent, U.K !
by Phizzy inthe police have started an investigation where a woman has courageously come forward about her sexual abuse by a former elder, who had a record of doing such things with the local congregation, and i think it was all covered up.
they have charged him, he is claiming he is not mentally fit to appear in court, i hope that lie does not hold up !.
this case was unknown to the local elders, but hopefully will now give the strength for other women, who were all very young and very vulnerable at the time , to come forward as well.
Scam Marketing !
by Phizzy inwe are constantly being attacked by scam marketers who create a perceived need , not a real one, and hence create within us a want.
if we fill our desire for that thing or things by buying in to it, we then end up with totally unnecessary expense.
we have been scammed.. whether that be something to do with the latest fashions and trends, the latest 'phone, car or something similar.. the longest running, and most lucrative marketing scam in all human history has been religion.
Today is Eid al-Adha
by Phizzy intoday is eid al-adha :.
"may peace, safety, and happiness be bestowed upon you.
Broken Marriages in your Congregation,
by Phizzy inmy questions on this is prompted by pondering on the number of broken marriages that happened in my old congregation over a 30 year period, from 1980 to 2010 approx.. over the whole ww "brotherhood" divorce and broken marriages is about average i would think, but in my old congo.
the number of such events was phenomenally high for such a small group.
very high in comparison to other churches or social groups in this area.. in 1980 we were a slightly larger than average congo, and being somewhat unique, because of our very liberal attitudes, we attracted a lot to join from areas outside of our "territory" many of these may have had marriage problems when they joined us, many of the home grown ones married very young etc.
The TWO new things to come this year for J.W Org !
by Phizzy inwhile having my first strong black coffee of the day, i was thinking about what may be to come next as the org.
rapidly goes mainstream, and this is what i came up with :.
1) they will introduce for sunday, the after meeting fellowship, a time for just chatting but with the added bonus of coffee and snacks.