As Jesus said to the Samaritans, they worship what they do not know, I mean, how could they really know the secretive Governing Body ?
Posts by Phizzy
What do JWs REALLY worship?
by 00DAD init sure isn't the truth!
no, it's all about loyalty to the organization.
it doesn't matter that their teachings are an incoherent, incomprehensible, contradictory pile of crap.
Jehovah`s Witnesses & Christendom their really no different
by smiddy inwhen i was a true blue diehard witness,i was convinced the clergy of christendom new they were teaching lies,falsehoods about the bible just to keep people in line.. guess what.. i dont see any difference in the attitude of the governing body, the elders, or the faithfull & discreet slave class (if it`s not just an arrangement ) or the wtb&ts lying,stretching the truth ,telling half truths, manipulating ideas,withholding vital information,or downright giving out mis-information as a theocratic war strategy,all with the intention of promoting their biased opinion/interpretation.
Oi Vey ! So you don't like the WT then ?
(poor attempt at jewish humour^)
Is there one Bible Prophecy.....
by Phizzy inin the form of a prediction, that can be proven to truly be a prediction,i.e written before the event, and it came true ?.
it would be good not to have time wasters on this thread in the form of the common ones that are brought up to demonstrate the bible's prophetic prowess, like cyrus being named , these have been debunked already.. but does there seem to be a genuine prophecy in there somewhere ?.
That's right my prideful primate friend, and I shall call it every time from now on when a poster says something that is part of their unsubstantiated faith as though it were fact, or just posts a bit of scripture as though that has some weight.
The worst kind of back stabbing politics, as used by nasty political regimes.
by DagothUr insince my time is limited, i have decided to leave this forum and jwtalk.
yes, dismal bliss, i have more than one account on your stupid forum.. is gigantic and very active and will make an impact on the borganization, no doubt.
it is also a free forum, one on which everyone may speak freely, like bozos as obves or larsinger.
Not a farewell message, as per request, but just to say that it is really great to see someone who was a XJW become a XXJW.
That is true progress, sad though we are on this site when we lose the input of valued contributors as they move on in their life.
Good luck and happiness to all who have gone before us in to freedom.
What's your favorite type of game?
by monumani13 ini like adventure/strategy games.what's your favorite type of game?.
play strategy games and zombie games online for free without any interruption..
Dressing up as a Vicar and going to a Vicars and Tarts party.
Is there one Bible Prophecy.....
by Phizzy inin the form of a prediction, that can be proven to truly be a prediction,i.e written before the event, and it came true ?.
it would be good not to have time wasters on this thread in the form of the common ones that are brought up to demonstrate the bible's prophetic prowess, like cyrus being named , these have been debunked already.. but does there seem to be a genuine prophecy in there somewhere ?.
Oh Gawd,
Daniel was written for its 2nd century BC audience, as far as the writer and his readers were concerned it was all fulfilled then.
If the world has not grown up and realised that the Bible is hogwash and religion is a "snare and a racket" then in 200 years time some apocalyptic end times enthusiast like you Vidqun, will come along and say all of Daniel will be fulfilled in his day, every end times nut feels it will happen in their time, why should it ?
It will not happen at all, there is no end to the "system", no "Armageddon" controlled by god, all of that is fiction, as the singular lack of evidence to support the Bible and belief in God on this thread and its kindred threads has proven.
What does having a Free Mind mean to you?
by zengalileo ini am working on a couple of articles on the topic.
one is called "the heart of the free mind," and the other is "diary of a free mind.
my belief in christ is based on a supernatural experience that i had.
Your mind is what you use to make sense of the world around you. The conclusions you come to are shaped by a vast number of things, experience, social background, education and much much more.
Clever people can manipulate your mind, so that you "see" what is not there, or what did not really happen etc
I do not believe anyone truly has a "free" mind, we have only a little control over the factors that shape how we see the world around us.
Just an example of social background affecting our mind, you had an experience that convinced you that Christ was real, I am gessing then you do not come from a Hindu or Shinto or Islamic background ?
Funny how the experiences such as you describe are shaped by ones upbringing and the society in which one lives.
So, is your mind truly "free" ? I think not, nor is mine, but we decide on its limitations to a degree, when we stop researching, stop listening to reasonings that conflict with our thoughts, and give them no weight, we imprison our mind in the place it has got to thus far, and we do not allow it to move further.
That choice seems a sad and unnecessary one to make, why fear changing your mind ? To expand ones mind is one of the greatest adventures we can have, do not throw the chance away ,especially by taking a faith position.
From the start such a position is a prison for the mind.
Pondering A "What If" Ultimatum
by OnTheWayOut inokay, i will tailor this to my circumstances, but it's really a general "what if" question on how you think most jw's would react.. so, i am a fader.
100% inactive, but never been called to a jc.
so what if i bring home a huge lottery winning?
I believe the latest Elders book says that buying a lottery ticket is not a DFng offense, is that right ? if so, it may change your little scenario a bit.
By the way, this is hypothetical isn't it ? I mean, if you have actually won 50Mill. for real, please accept this as your first begging letter.
Do you feel sorry for those that are still in.
by jam inat one time i felt my jw famliy members hated me.
because i turn my back on the cult.. today i feel sorry for them and it,s not hate they.
feel.. they way i see it, first of all it,s frustrating serving a. god that you can never please, serving a god that.
As usual, I find I am with Black Sheep on this.
The waste of life and potential is so sad, the young ones caught up in it are the ones I feel for most, at a time in their life when they should be making decisions and moves that would ensure their future happiness and well-being, the damned WT cult prevents them.
Usually too, they marry another Jdub and that complicates things horribly later if they wake up.