LongHairGal said, regarding the J.W Calendar " I refused to hang this thing up.. I wondered if this was just a bad choice?? "
Thanks for that thought , I remember I refused to hang one , one year, maybe the very same one ?? and never did again, I know some J.W's looked quizzically at my "Worldly" Calendar that I hung instead, but no one ever asked why, I guess they knew I had always been a bit of a Rebel.
But now I wonder too if that was more, the beginning of my reversing out of the Cult ? It is impossible to identify the beginning I guess, but I did eventually Move on the new Chapter of my life, thankfully.
I am now a very happy ex-ex J.W, in that no vestige of the effects of J.W.ism are left in me, and those memories of my J.W life are like I am reading about someone else's life, a guy in another Country, a Country I do not personally know.