As the whole Eden Story is a rehash of the Canaanite/Sumerian "Eden" Story, we are presented with a god from a time when the concept of gods was primitive, not as the concept later evolved.
We must not read such Stories with a 21st Century or especially not a believers "eye".
The Canaanite gods were never presented as Omniscient, or Omnipotent come to that, hence we see a god who does not know even outcomes that perhaps a perceptive ordinary human could have foreseen.
As an aside, this very old story was from long before a time when the "Satan" figure had entered Israelite religious thought, and so does not figure in the Story.
Ancient Texts should be read as they are, and taking in to account what the Writer wished his readers to understand, and what they would have understood his words to mean.
To approach Scripture in any other way, results in us reading in to the Text what is simply NOT there, a JW org. approach that is both totally wrong, and an insult to both the Writer and his Text.