I personally think far more good is done when things are laid out factually and logically than sensationalising everything. It drives JWs away if they even get a 'sniff' of 'apostasy'. I remember as a child seeing 'apostates' with their banners outside assemblies.. I was scared of them!
The thing that lured me away was wikipedia.. (I don't know who posts all the info on there but it's genius... they tell you all the FACTS about JWs, that all JWs know and would agree with then subtely put the info under 'critics'.. and then talk very factually about Ray Franz). Within a week of reading the info on wikipedia I was reading CoC! After I'd read his books your survey was my next port of call Cedars, closely followed by JWstruggle.
I think the work you do and others like you is far more effective for helping out active JWs.