Thankfully none. I didn't have much luck in the ministry. I placed magazines and such but no bible studies. I remember when I started finding out the TTATT, I got a bible study ironically. I couldn't tell if it was a sign from Jehovah or a coincidence. But I only studied with him once before feeling guilty over trying to recruit someone while I was doubting. He moved somewhere else soon after. I don't regret it at all.
JoinedPosts by Godsendconspirator
How many did you, personally, entrap in the Borg ?
by Phizzy inin my nearly 60 years in the religion, although i "studied" with a good number, i cannot think of any who could lay the blame at my door for being in the religion today.. one lad possibly might, i studied with him briefly as he was trying to get off drugs, he then moved away, and then married a "sister" a few years later, and is still in, but i doubt he would blame me, i hope not.. of the others i studied with none are still in, the last i heard of one of them, a weirdo kid, now weirdo man, was when he was arrested for "flashing" in a local spot frquented by doggers etc.
i guess i was a useless "tutor".
as it happens, that is one of the things i am proud to be a failure at, getting people to join a cult.. i always tried to not do proper r.v's, and never suggested a "study" to anyone, but some, like weirdo, were shoved my way by elders who didn't want the work themselves.. how many are you guilty of getting in to the cult ?.
Update on: "I had a funny feeling"
by noontide ini dont know if anyone remembers this post, but i thought i would update you nonetheless.. . .
quick recap: i was consulting at a firm where the hr director turned out to be a jehovahs witness.
You handled it well especially with the mention of the pagan origins of the days of the week and month. But I think if he wants to tie the noose and kick the chair, let him. When the time comes when he doubts the organization, he'll think back to the time it made him lose his job and it'll further his resolve to leave.
Will the WT get a twitter account?
by bohm inwith the recent success of the website which really seem to be working beyond at least my expectations, will the wt get a twitter account in the near(ish) future?.
those who guess right win the bragging rights.
my guess is no since twitter invite to much discussion, however they will eventually jump on a popular twitter-like social media service when one arise that is more easily controlled..
Wifibandit, that twitter account is perfect. Those tweets had me rolling
by Yondaime inas i am typing this post i am constantly looking over my shoulder to see if anybody is at my bedroom door lol guys i know i am stuck in a a cult.
but this s*** is f****** crazy!!!!.
w13 11/15 p.16 par.17 -- " at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
I can't believe any idiot would believe that garbage. I wonder if this raises any red flags to anybody in the congregation.
9yr old girl kills her gun instructor with an uzi
by EndofMysteries in
"a 9-year-old girl learning to fire a submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range when the weapon recoiled over her shoulder, according to arizona authorities.
another reason to go against those arguing that young children should be taught how to use guns.
America, where you can't drink at age 21 for your protection but you can shoot a gun at age 9 for your own protection.
The Only Time JWs Make Contact
by naazira ini've realised that the only time jws make contact with me is during memorial season, and at the start of the new service year.
they always try to talk more in the beginning of the service year.
as the pioneer sister always said "start off strong, and get a lot of hours early.
I live in NYC so the territories are only a couple city blocks wide. And there's nothing but apartment buildings so everyone lives real close to each other. I can't eat breakfast at a local diner without them telling me that they "miss me." One time I told them "If you miss me so much you could text me and we could hang out." They never have.
You know what their magazines kind of remind me of?
by ilikecheese inthe parable of the boastful prayer vs. the humble prayer.
they're basically always saying, "thank goodness we are so holy and not like those crass 'worldly' people.
Interesting post. I do agree though for the most part but you know they Jdubs will never see it in themselves. Just like the pharisees, they start off humble in earnest attempts to get to know god, I assume. But once a couple of people praise them, they try so hard to preach the humbleness of the organization in order to indirectly praise themselves.
Really weird sentence
by Moses Joe ini've been absent from meetings recently because i'm having serious life challenges that make me really not want to have to deal with all of the people and the sitting.
i had made an attempt to, "simplify my life" that rather than being blessed was meant with unemployment.
lol.. anyway, i finally got tired of all the phone calls checking up on me and sent a message to someone explaining that i just wanted to be left alone (an elder).
Just a couple weeks ago, an elder and the CO from the congregation I went to dropped by my house. I forgot what scripture they used but it was something about those who leave the congregation for whatever reasons. They said they wanted to help and asked which I probably fit into. I said I don't fit into any of them. They shut up real quick and left.
I Offer You This Choice
by simon17 insuppose the following choice were offered you, and you had to choose one or the other.
which would you pick (and perhaps why):.
1) you can continue living your life as it is, die when you might, and that's that.. 2) you can instead agree to die in 1 year in exchange for this: you will be granted access to the entire past and future history of intelligent life in the universe.
I would take the latter choice. Finding out those answers were all I ever wanted in life even if I can't do anything with it.
Good response when you are told " you want to do your own thing".
by jam ini was told that, it's a selfish act on your part not to come back.. well apparently i must be having fun, a good life.....
Nah, people who ruin their child's life by not providing for their own emotional needs just because they wanna go to paradise that doesn't exist are the selfish ones.