I have placed a book in their home, entitled, "Documented FACTS the Watchtower Does Not Want YOU to Know!" (I hid it under some magazines in the bathroom).
baptized or not, this will brand you an apostate
"What happens, when the Watchtower and Bible don't agree... which one is true?" Reply:"That hasn't happened yet.
actually, everytime there is "new light" TM that means the old light TM did not agree with the bible
say this to a JW and just stand back and listen to the all the twists and turns in logic they take to make the now defunct truth somehow appropriate to have falsely believed for so many years
I am searching for the right questions to present to this nice man who has presented himself to me. He is an elder, but his native land is Cambodia. He has been a JW since 1982.
I honestly don't believe in taking away peoples happiness, if he is happy being a JW then leave him be. BUT if someone is trying to take away MY happiness then they are fair game.
For this man, he isn't trying to hurt you, so I would just ask one question and leave it with him. Let him decide if that goes any further.
I migh ask.....
Q - "so if all the new light you just learned from the Faithful Slave replaces what you used to beleive, then why did Holy Spirit guide the F&DS to teach the former falsehood for so many years?"
A follow up might be....
Q - "what if I rejected the witnesses years ago because of THAT false teaching? Would Jehovah not approve of me rejecting a false teaching?"
these are questions that cannot be answered without eyes opeing even a little bit, this can turn into eyes wide open or an immediate closing and rejection of the independant thought
in either case you will have done a good thing