This is tragic. The boy is 17, and earlier this year the courts ruled that he was to be forced a transfusion. He is back in court trying to prove he is old enough to make his own decision.
There are two points that I think should be made very strongly when commenting on the internet about this situation.
1 - A Jehovah's Witness child is not making their own decision due to a life of one sided indoctrination. To prove if the boy is making an informed decision, he should be questioned on whether he knows the history of blood doctrine within his own religion, and whether he knows the theological reasons that other Christian religions accept blood.
2 - A Jehovah's Witness child has a 2 in 3 chance of leaving the religion at some point in their life. It is not fair that this child may never get the opportunity to re-evaluate his belief system, due to dying under his parents misguided care.