carbon dating or not, scientists think they're sooooo smart... EVERYBODY knows that man's wisdom is foolishness to Jehovah
science is soooo stupid! They don't know anything useful!
Jehovah made my wifi cellphone AND the internet!
it is rare to have absolute proof of the fact that the borg is categorically wrong.. the recent discovery of hominid footprints in happisburgh, norfolk, england is one such.
these footprints are of a family of people who walked in the soft mud 800/850 thousand years ago.
this is properly substantiated fact not open to dismissal.. further evidence in the uk shows the use of flint tools in hunting and butchering animals again accurately dated to 450,000/500,000 yearsthe bible traces adams creation to something over 6000 years ago.
carbon dating or not, scientists think they're sooooo smart... EVERYBODY knows that man's wisdom is foolishness to Jehovah
science is soooo stupid! They don't know anything useful!
Jehovah made my wifi cellphone AND the internet!
it is rare to have absolute proof of the fact that the borg is categorically wrong.. the recent discovery of hominid footprints in happisburgh, norfolk, england is one such.
these footprints are of a family of people who walked in the soft mud 800/850 thousand years ago.
this is properly substantiated fact not open to dismissal.. further evidence in the uk shows the use of flint tools in hunting and butchering animals again accurately dated to 450,000/500,000 yearsthe bible traces adams creation to something over 6000 years ago.
well if you beleive carbon dating then you probably also think the big bang actually happened too... sheeeesh!! EVERYBODY knows carbon dating is so stupid!
first 30 min announcing a collection of bibles collected from r & f that is to go on display at bethel.
also accounts of how they "miraculously" received bibles that they didn't think they could get - eg.
geneva bible.. now - watchtower study review as there is no meeting tomorrow..
nice to see you back friend.... its been a while ;)
its obvious Darth Vader is thirsty and doesn't like the taste of seagull poop in his beach water
nope, bungi bill's interesting statement from this post didn't take, so i'll start its own.. from my own experience, i hated the field ministry.
it might just be because of the kind of character i am, whatever, i never was able to overcome that feeling of dread every time i went door-to-door.
i felt aware of how much people disliked having strangers cold-calling trying to sell them something.
"if it's wrong then I don't wanna be right baby!"
(says the JW in his heart)
recently attended a sad.. bethel speaker was gushing about the wt's embrace of new technology, in the part of his talk warning about "apostate" web sites.. a loose summary of his comments:.
"and the brothers at headquarters have made it very safe for you to go to our website.
in fact, the brothers talked to the folks at google, and they made a special arrangement so that when you type in 'j w period' into the google search engine, it automatically shows you the website.
but the prefilled search topics in the dropdown as you are typing are all "safe" despite their being apostate stuff on the actual search page.
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
I think "regional" will redefine the attendees of the convention. They may still technically have Districts that are a quantifiable sum of circuits, however "regional Conventions" would not have to hold to either of those definitions.
A region could be just enough circuits to fill a small stadium or gymnaium. or perhaps multiple districts in a massive event. Either way, the GB can now manipulate the numbers accordingly
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
this is so loving of the GB to only have 1 days CA's
just like it was so loving for them to give us the book study night off.
They are just so loving to us..... you know, easing the burden that they laid upon us in the first place.... so loving
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
he'll be baaaaaaack ! :)
jws have long ascribed billions of years to the age of the earth, yet only thousands to the length of the creative days (see 2014 awake!
on creation).
what game are they playing??
yes as Blondie showed the WTS does not ascribe to specific lengths of time for the creative days.
However, it is interesting that the 7th day (gods day of rest) which has not ended is effectively 7000 years (if the end is sooooo close)
so the other 6 creative days are billions of years but God only took 7000 years off to rest followed by a meger 1000 years "millenial" reign
was this new light? or had not science and physics proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the vast age of the universe would the WTS still acribe to the 7000 year creative days?
Another intersting point is how many active JW's still to this day would defend the 7000 creative days if challenged. Its "new light" that no one likes to talk about. Which is always a sign that the WTS has been made the fool