lots of good research here... tx Blondie,
but to me this just shines a light on the word-smithing the WTS does when it comes to Jesus as a mediator.
Blodie makes several quotes, terms like: "susbsidiary government", "High Priest", "Ransomer", but never "mediator". yet the OP quoted the WTS:
There will no longer be a need for an
intermediary betweenJehovah and his
earthly children. All of God’s sons in
heaven and his children on earth will be
united with their heavenly Father as part
of his universal family.
They are talking about those on earth (not anointed) at the end of the 1000 years. Call me crazy but I feel like we have fallen victim to the WTS word-smithing here (as in "bullshit baffles brains") No where in the quotes Blondie made was there any discussion of Jesus as a "MEDIATOR", we have only made this connection, but this is exactly the game the WTS plays.
We all know that Jesus is NOT the mediator for the non-anointed. but lets face it, most R&F don't even realize this. So how can the WTS make the statement in the OP and not expect the average R&F to make the connection that Jesus is in fact their mediator?
I think this is a clever find, its and easter egg, one of those ambiguous statements the WTS makes that they can footnote years down the road if they change direction, or forget about and leave buried forever if they don't