He wont think about it except to mumble "they don't understand the concept of new light"
Fyi..check out my avatar 😉
i had a photo copy of the magazine "the generation that will never die!
" sitting in my office, he saw it and being the voracious reader he is, he asked me "why did the magazine say all those people would never die?
" i told him "humans make mistakes, they were wrong by claiming that.
He wont think about it except to mumble "they don't understand the concept of new light"
Fyi..check out my avatar 😉
my name is russ, i'm 40 years old, from the uk, and i left the jws nearly 5 years ago.
i've been a member of the yuku board throughout that time, so there are probably some on here who know me already.
there seems to be more activity over here at the moment, so i thought i'd pop in and say hi.i was raised as a jw, started questioning it when i was 16, but there was no internet back then (well, no www anyway) so i got sucked right in and got baptized when i was 18. auxiliary pioneered on and off for a couple of years, then became a ministerial servant.
Hi Russ, nice to meet you. Sounds like we have a lot in common
i look forward to reading more from you
this really got to me today at the wt study.. i am not ashamed to admit, i am part of that "generation".. you get one role of the dice in this life, you got to take what you can now, in order to have a good quality life later.. i agree, we need to help and show love to our fellow man.
but, not when this becomes the priority above our own needs, wants and aspirations.. welcome to "generation me" wt, this is my time.. peace out..
Today's watchtower was so ridiculous
the agenda was so blatant, toe the line and do what your told just like everybody else or die alone
i found this statement from a recent article about isis to be quite interesting in view of the way that any jw can be accused of apostasy with little or no possible repercussions or consequences for the accuser: .
in islam, the practice of takfir, or excommunication, is theologically perilous.
if a man says to his brother, you are an infidel, the prophet said, then one of them is right.
I think the BOrg should hunt apostates like witches
if they don't burn then they're an apostate
just to continue my theme about religious freedom and how we approach criticizing the wts, i've also been thinking about 'shunning'.. i think shunning is the most unifying complaint that most ex-members of religious groups that practice it have in common.
it is the layer that runs under every other complaint - whatever the reason for leaving it seems "... and i was shunned" can be added to it as the final rap on the charge sheet.. of course it seems like a no-brainer to many of us and we hardly ever stop to really think about it - shunning is bad, the watchtower believes in shunning therefore the watchtower is bad.
they need to stop it.
I shun idiots
my elder brother made the mistake of telling me about the wts policy of theocratic warfare.
he first called it 'lying for the truth' then he tried to tone it down to theocratic warfare.
he justifies this position by citing the scriptures that say do not throw pearls to the swine for they will trample them under foot and tear you to pieces.. my question is .
How could we survive lest the WTS save us from ourselves?
once the idea of "keeping" the R&F in the truth is more important than truth itself the GB can justify saying anything and sleep just fine
ray franz touched on this in CoC, to paraphrase:"if we let the sheep decide for themselves who knows how far they'll take it" or something like that
i am grateful for holy spirit's ability to dredge up long-forgotten spiritual gems that lurk in dark caverns of the mind.. it has been revealed -- for your edification and enlightenment -- that the resurrected anointed among the symbolic 24 elders do, indeed, play a vital role in the new but typically confusing developments in the world of jw theology.. in the much revered but oft maligned book, "revelation: its grand climax at hand!
" we discover the reason behind it all:.
] resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
Leaving quietly
On top of that the 144k wasn't even all born yet in 1914 so the unborn 144k were somehow there and singing to their unborn selves???
jw.org is the fastest growing media outlet in the world, our local cobe said we are going to take the media from satan's wicked world!
repent before it's too late and come back to the kingdom hall with all your loving brothers and sisters!
you won't find happiness without jehovah's organization and you know it!
Only Jehovah's people have true happiness without the debilitating anxiety and fear the World inflicts on you. Â While others are suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, over-use of antidepressants, Jehovah's Organization keep's it's membership busy
 jw's have all those problems too
doug mason needs no introductions here.
we all know him to be an excellent writer, such as: blondie, terry, jwfacts, barbara anderson and countless others on this board.. doug is asking for assistance on a new project he is working on to explain in terms easy to understand, the changes the watchtower now expects jehovah's witnesses and others to believe.. your expert knowledge on these subjects such as: 144,000, great crowd, order of special full time servants, and governing body would be greatly appreciated.
my mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
It's probably just the COs way of pumping up the great tribulation
this would alter their way of worship
the GB would never admit or say anything that would shine a light on law suits, pedo cases, income, wealth, etc.Â