99% of sisters DONT WANT privileges. They want a husband with status.
this is how they are raised in the Org
nothing of any significance will change
sisters hold the doors open at assemblies now. We'll just see more of that stuff
geoffrey jackson spent 20 minutes accepting the position that it is not scripturally prohibited for women to be used in the investigation process, although probably not the jc itself (he said he'd check the scriptures on that bit, but we can guess the outcome).. look out for the wives of elders jostling for and gaining these positions.
there will be no better opportunity for gossip mongers to raise their status in the congregation than being officially involved in the intimate private business of others in the congregation.. think of the power they will have in advising the elders on a jc if she thinks the victim is credible, with her opinion, bias and embellishments on the details.
i wouldn't fancy the chances of a victim who has previously fallen out with one of these 'helpers'.. whatever next, sisters handling microphones??!
99% of sisters DONT WANT privileges. They want a husband with status.
this is how they are raised in the Org
nothing of any significance will change
sisters hold the doors open at assemblies now. We'll just see more of that stuff
life has been busy, but i am now on 2 weeks vacation which allowed me some thinking room.
and here's what's been on my mind.. we're all going to die.
no matter what we do, our fate is sealed.
From an atheistic view death is not more harsh, rather life more precious
in 100 years all of us will be dust in a grave
so what could you possibly have to worry about?
i guess this article will be appreciated within the jw community, being on the positive side when discussing blood transfusion.
it is the first of three articles to be published in that prestigious magazine.. http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-jehovahs-witnesses-are-changing-medicine.
I saw a recent blood article flaunted by dubs that referred to blood as a liquid organ. Yet organ transplants are a conscience decision
At the end of the day, the ONLY reason dubs prohibit blood is cause "the bible" (their interpretation) tells them too
thats it
they can try to sound all sciencey and medically but it's all smoke and mirrors.
When science disagrees with God they reject science, when it agrees they applaude it. They only do what they're told by God=GB
at the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
I remember once old br. John Carey I think was his name, of the GB was speaking at the end of a DC and the audience was clapping constantly. At one point he tried to keep talking over the clapping then said "ok go ahead" and everyone giggled and then a huge applause ensued. So ridiculous
i was raised a witness, baptized at 16, vacation pioneered, got married, etc.
i was very much your typical witness and believed it was the truth until last summer.
a very close relative of mine left the witnesses.
Kudos to having the gonads to tell your husband the truth
i was terrified to tell my wife, so much so that when I did I actually capitulated and stated "in"
i went the route of focusing on our family and marriage and my wife was amazed at what happiness we had without me being active or an uber-dub so she backed waaaay off and now we are very content living on the periphery of the religion.
despite this, I often wonder what would have happened if I had the balls to stand my ground
i have my reasons for doing what I did, but I commend you for standing your ground for your beliefs.
like the title says....those of you who made it out with you husbands or wives.
you people are so lucky!!!.
lucky because your wife or husband isn't brain dead and can think and reason for themselves.
they are told that persecution is coming and that all will see it.. they are told that there will be lies in the media about us.. they even give the old brother king interview about brothers being jailed.
the last sentence tony the tiger damn near screams at the camera to stay faithful you integrity keepers... he knows your fathers and husbands may be going to jail.
this talk is all about damage control.. .
As damming as this issue will be directly, I think an even bigger problem for the WTS is just the light shining on them in the global media arena.
JWs will see this as persecution, but the WTS has always said the wild beast would turn on Babylon the great first and then they would all notice the JWs over there still preaching and then come after them.
this shouldn't be represented as a trigger to the GT since it doesn't fit the chronology of old.
HOWEVER this recent Assyrian attack teaching and coalition of nations has been situated perfectly by the WTS to lend scriptural legitimacy to this "persecution"
how ironic they have sunk so low that the true organization is not attacked for their faith but rather for their neglectful policies on child abuse
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
Religious people insist that everyone else respect their beliefs yet when an atheist expresses his disbelief in God the religious person cries intolerance!
just the act of an atheist expressing his beliefs is an act of intolerance to the religious one.
It's a double standard. The religious people can push their beliefs on everyone and we must respect it, yet the atheist is deemed to not have beliefs and thus not deserve the same regard
the commission has the names of 1,006 alleged abusers within australian congregations since 1950. some will have died and others will already have been prosecuted but the branch did not report any of these allegations to police.. the terms of reference for the royal commission is more about redress for the victims but that can include criminal prosecution although they are more focused on financial compensation.. however, now that they have the names of 1,006 potential criminals there is some responsibility to see that they are dealt with criminally.
it appears to be in their authority to have cases followed through by referring them for further investigation.
this is clear because the commissioner has recently reported that to date, they have done so in 493 cases identified within the scope of their commission.
Looks like a "coalition of nations" are gathering upon the WTS
isnt it obvious?
these types of cases will continue to rise up in other countries and when they do the WTS will spin it
will be interesting to see if all their financial game playing of recent will actually protect their assets
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
Personality conflicts are common among all people, all religions, all atheists, all races, all countryman, all anything
its human nature
If your condemning JWs for beliefs that's one thing, if your condemning them because of an elder you don't like then you need to get some thicker skin, grow up and quit being such a baby
I'll bet your boss "picks on you" and your co-workers are "jerks" and your family "hates you" too
there are lots of cry babies out there
man up, nobody cares