Hi Dog and welcome,
I appreciate your posts, and especially post #15. I agree, that these are very compelling reasons to stay. With changes to my family lately I find myself constantly weighing the "pros and cons" if you will, of staying in "the truth".
fortunately for me, I have found others like me (and like you... elders even) that know TTATT and I can have open, candid conversations with them about life, "the truth", etc.
It can be difficult to always be guarded with your words. It can be draining to never just "be yourself". To do this with your own spouse can take a toll on your happiness if you don't have a really good grasp of what exactly you want out of life.
While I understand why you may want to stay (as I am still in myself) I think, at least for me, is that having been a JW for so long now (all of my life) the idea of being happy in "the world" is a complete unknown to me. I have almost no idea what it would be like to have close, endearing freindships with "worldlies". I think its easy for a JW to dismiss the concept of happiness when it comes to "the world" and for that reason I fear the idea of me being as unhappy and lost as I have always viewed them to be. I have freinds that "partied" for 20 years and then came "back to the truth" and now claim they were never happy in the world.
Problem is, we never meet those that leave "the truth" and actaully become happier, we only ever meet the ones that come back and say how miserable they were in the world
I think understanding what "happiness" really means is the key to actually having it. I hope you can understand, and when you do, please tell me! ;)