Ok everyone
this is a very strange thing for me to do. I have been an active Witness for over 25 years. I currently serve as an elder and I conduct the Watchtower study. However, the content of recent Watchtower study articles has caused me to think long and hard about what I am doing. I have been reading many of the posts here for a number of weeks and this has caused me to think even more. You know, as others have acknowledged here, they see their spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation as generally very nice people. The morals are good, the individuals are trying to shape their personalities according to the scriptures, and generally people are very genuine. The recent Watchtower study on the faithful and discreet slave, and the continuing problem with the 'this generation' teaching' has been a source of great concern to me. I remember having a discussion with a sister many years ago, when there were some rumours that the 'this generation' teaching was going to shift from those alive in 1914 being the ones who would see the end, and she was dismayed as she told me that she accepted the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses because she thought Armageddon was coming very soon. I've lost contact with her now but I wonder what she makes of all the changes. I'm confused. I don't know how I could explain it to others, and when I have to conduct he upcoming study clarifying the 'this generation' teaching, again, what will I do? I really do not want any glib answers. Some of those posting on here seem to have an understanding of how difficult this can be for somebody to do, just to post here. I live in a very conservative area. If the other elders in the congregation knew I was doing this I would be instantly removed as an elder and then probably be in front of a judicial committee very soon.