I was wondering if any of you are going to the Bluegrass festival in Telluride, Colorado in June? or if any of you have gone in the past? I'm making my first trip this year. Would like to hear from anyone who has went or will be going. Thanks!
then the kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and everyone, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, "fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?".
some of the kings of the earth and their supporters are aware of what the bible book of revelation says concerning the time of the end and their destruction for not having acknowledge jehovah's rulership and sovereignty, also they have failed to acknowledge jesus as king of kings and lord of lords in subject to the great king jehovah god.. the scriptures have put satan's system on notice but few take notice.
i'am dannybear i have been lurking around here from time to time, for the last several weeks.
this forum seems to be a friendly group, not to mention i see jt, englishman, focus, waiting and few others that are very familiar to me from h20.. i live in california.
i was raised as a jw (third generation), got the unceremonious 'boot'(df)in 1980-81 been so long..i can't remember the actual date.
i am not talking about the software i.e., the people, the pure language, the music, the smell of lavender as the toilet door swings to, or the obedient rustle of bible pages.
i am not talking about the software i.e., the people, the pure language, the music, the smell of lavender as the toilet door swings to, or the obedient rustle of bible pages.
I also wanted to share...in a college composition class we had an assignment to write about a place that had or has great influence in our life. I wrote about the KH. then we had to read the essay out loud in class...i was slightly embarrassed but got through the essay and it sparked up a lot of conversation about jws in general.
i am not talking about the software i.e., the people, the pure language, the music, the smell of lavender as the toilet door swings to, or the obedient rustle of bible pages.
good questions. when i was young, my kh was comfortable. we did have windows but they were higher up so when sitting during the meeting you couldn't see out the window but thankfully, the outside light was able to come in. one thing i hated was the old folding chairs we used to have to sit on. no arm rests to aid you in sleeping..hehehe. finally they got new chairs in with arm rests..YAY! i also loved the mural that was painted on the wall behind the podium. that you could certainly get lost in daydreaming.
after i left the jws, i only came back for the memorials. one memorial i almost lost it when i walked into the newly redecorated hall. it looked like someone puked pink and green up all over the walls!! it was horrendous (sp?) even the chairs were pink! and the woman's bathroom...pink explosion in there! it hurt the eyes. i asked my mom about the color choice...she just rolled her eyes and said "well, it wasn't my idea" obviously, someone with more clout then my mom was on the redecorating committee.
anyway--thanks for this question...got me chuckling at work today :)
i've been posting on h2o, and figured i'd stick my oar in over here too!.
one of these days i'll introduce myself, properly.
until then, and since it's the weekend, here's some light relief found on the web.. expatbrit.. "here are some of the foolish things that various football commentators.