thank you!
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
with all of the america bashing going on of late, i thought i'd mention the fact that america stands for freedom, as flawed as our system may be.
you're even free to be critical of the government and it's leaders.
the many men and women who have died defending this country did so to preserve the rights even of people who hate the u.s. there are many different cultures here, so there are many different attempts at creating laws for the land.
thank you!
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
hi joel,
sounds like you had a great time. i'm a coaster fan too! i love them. weeeewwww....lolol
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
this board has been almost deserted for the last week.
the chat has hardly anyone in it, if anyone at all.
i was wondering just today where you and bugsy were...lol. i hope all is well with you and yours. been missing everyone. *hugs*
my pc at home has not been liking the chatroom. everytime i enter, my IE freezes up on me. very frustrating!! i'm going thru chat withdrawls...help me....i need my fix...lolol.
anyway, liz, enjoy the day! talk to you soon
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
was it for love of the kingdom hall and jehovah?
pressure .. felt like you had to?
for me it was because all my friends my age had gotten baptized.. and it was left up to me to do it too.. to fit in i guess.
what you said
lol, i got baptized because my best friend was getting baptized. i managed to pass that question and answer crap that you had to do before your baptism was approved (am i remembering this right?) without trying too hard. i moved recently and found in my stuff a picture of me and my friend on our baptism day. the look of shock on our faces, damn, if we only knew then what we know now....
ps. my best friend is an inactive jw. she came around to the truth about the truth about 6 years after i'd left...she called me up first, when she realized she was living a lie. i love happy endings.
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
this is the third damn time i have tried to post this.
i keep hitting the wrong button and losing it.. anyway, sometimes i hear songs on the radio that bring back some really great memories of my childhood and teenage years.
despite being raised in the borg, i had a pretty good life.
great thread!
i wish i had the time to list all the songs that have had an impact on my life, but there are just way too many of them. music has always been such an important part of my life. as a little girl, i loved dancing around the living room when my dad would play his records. my favorite song was "shake your money maker" but i can't remember who it was by...also, my dad would invite all his buddies over to drink and jam often. that was such a blast, live music right in my living room! lol, i thought it was soooo coool...
then we got MTV! WOOHOOO, i was in heaven. lolol, i was a "latchkey" kid so after school my brothers and i would watch MTV until 5pm and my parents would get home. i fell in love with madonna, loved her attitude! and i remember the first time i saw the video for "walk this way" with aerosmith and run dmc, i was like "WOW! this is sooo cool!!!" billy idol, cyndi lauper, the metal bands..., the boy bands...(very sad but true, i was a fan of "the new kids on the block" puke!! hard for me to admit that....)
when i hit my teen years, music really started to mean something to me. i really got into classic rock and i guess what they call "alternative rock". i loved the beatles, the grateful dead, eric clapton, the who, the band, jimi hendrix, the doors, steve miller band, queen, pink floyd..all that great classic rock n roll about freedom of expression, trying new things, drugs, sex...(i know i'm forgetting a ton!) as for new music, i loved the cure, jane's addiction, the pixies, depeche mode, jesus and the mary chain, the B52's, the violent femmes, echo and the bunnymen, the smith's, husker du, the dead kennedys, nirvana, pearl jam, red hot chili peppers and i could go on and on...lol. i just loved the "teenage angst" expressed in a lot of this music. both the classic rockers and alternative rockers expressed so wonderfully my feelings at the time.
now when i hear certain songs,it brings me back, down memory lane. sometimes i get sad, especially when a song reminds me of a friend who no longer talks to me....or a sad time in my past. but music in general makes me smile laugh dance and sing
my taste in music hasn't changed much. i still listen to a lot of the artists i did as a teen and younger. i still love classic rock, still love madonna and most of the artists from my teenage years. new artists i love include but are not limited to: dido, eminem, phish, the big wu, leftover salmon, my brothers band (so sorry dave and al, can't remember the name!!) basically, i love a good groove and excellent lyrics. and i absolutely die for LIVE MUSIC.
so i guess what i'm saying, music is such an important part of my life, songs instantly can shoot me down memory lane and i think that is soooooo amazing. songs can make you laugh, cry, smile, shout for joy. long live music!! woohoooooo
harmony, shaking her money maker
edited to add:
how in the hell could i forget bob marley! my absolute favorite song of his is "redemption song" ohh, soo good. and peter tosh is great too. bet you can guess my favorite song of his??
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
scorpian, thanks! love this kinda stuff
i was gonna post my results but well, they are pretty much the same as yours, except by a few months...lol. my birthday is 04/16/75
i remember everything except the bicentennial too (of course, 'rents wouldn't have celebrated either).
like the new pic wendy
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
hi folks!.
may-britt and i are going away for 14 days or so, to denmark, and maybe a short trip to germany or france.
if anyone would like to call me, the mobile phone is: +47 90 79 58 43. have a nice summer all of you, and maybe i'll consider changing name as this guy did :.
LMAO @ heywood jablowme! oh mann.....
have a great holiday! don't get into any trouble now...hehe
have fun! see ya when ya get back
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
a bit of light relief.... .
how did you find this site?
recommendation from someone?
hi Prisca
How did you find this site? Recommendation from someone? Found it while crusing the net?
What have you gained from being here?
What insights have you learnt about the WTS, about faith, about other people, or about yourself?
about the wts:
had no clue about the inner workings of the borg, what bethel life is like, the pedophile problem, the sheer numbers of exjws, the amazing amount of contradictory things found in their own writings!! (a special thanks to all of you who take the time and effort compile this information for us "research challenged" folks lol.)
about faith:
well, even as a jw, i really never had much faith in jehovah or the bible. i think i was just going thru the motions because that was what was expected of me. so this board and H2O and other independent reading i've done has really helped me to realize that i don't need GOD in my life to make me happy. i can make myself happy a great feeling. so i have learned to have faith in myself and not unprovable skydaddies (thanks md, love this term)
other people:
well, i've known for quite a few years now that the world had both its good and bad people in it, and i've learned that this carries over to the 'net as well. i tend to just roll with it, taking the good with the bad, tying to not the let the bad effect me and loving the good i find and see in people.
hmm, hardest one for me to answer....besides this jw crap, my life has had some interesting turns in the last few months. i feel as if i'm on a continual learning adventure, like a rollercoaster. i do know that my eyes are wide open and i'm enjoying the ride of life, and can't wait to see what the future brings me. bring it on baby! lol
okay, i've gabbed enough for now.
so in closing, i want to say THANKS again to all who contribute to this board. i've gained and learned so much from so many of you and i'm not sure i'll ever be able to repay each of you directly. hugs to you all
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
it's always that little fact ruining a good story.... anyway, jws in western norway have their district convention right now in stavanger.
some jws had planned to go up to "prekestolen" ("the pulpit") and drink wine this evening (or yd, not entirely certain).
as you will surely agree, the view would be fabolous:.
jan, interesting story
But Jehovah was always a bit late anyway, and his aim sucks.
lololol, thanks for the morning chuckle.
and thanks for posting the pic of prekestolen. breathtaking
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)
need a break from the project (and just plain missing you all!).
so who's up for a little light relief in the form of a good old game of 'word association'?.
i'll kick us off with a word and you simply post your reply highlighting the first word you thought of - and so on and so on and so on ........ nic'.
"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)