my dear ana, i'm so sorry for the pain your family is causing you. i have tears streaming down my face after reading your father's letter. the nerve of that man to say those disgusting things!! how dare he treat you, a wonderful, caring, warm, beautiful person that way. i know words hurt, especially at first but i hope now you have realized his words hold no power over you. and they never need to hurt you again. you are in my heart and thoughts ana. love to you!
talk soon
ps. i wasn't going to say this in case it offends anyone but i think you'll understand ana....regarding toxic people, i say, fuck 'em, you don't need them AT ALL in your life. you are WAY better than them and you never deserve to be treated that way. hugs and kisses ana
Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley