serena, first of all some ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))) to you.
i know you feel horrible right now but like the others have said, LOSE this guy. he is not doing anything for you. even if you "get" him in the end it will end up badly. i know, for this happened to me. i was obsessed with this guy. i'd do anything for him. come over to his place at the drop of a hat, cancel plans for him, anything just to be with him! i was in love with him after two weeks, i even told him this. he made me cry, lots. but finally in the end, i "got" him. then guess what? i hated it. i started to resent him. and he continued to treat me like shit. i put up with this for five years. when i started to stand up for myself, shit hit the fan. he was not happy that i finally got a backbone. i resented him even more. finally i was able to say "i made a mistake" you know what my mistake was? i mistook my obsession, my need, my desire to be with someone, anyone as love. and you know what? it cost me five years of my life that i put up with his shit, his snide digs at me, his continual blows to my self-esteem, my confidence.
no one can tell you what to do, for it is your life. but please listen to what people here are telling you. LEAVE THIS GUY. he is not worth it! you are beautiful and smart and do not deserve a guy like this. i wish i had listened to my friends........
Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley