boozy well.....
hey, i may visit NJ, but living there....i don't know about that. plus i wouldn't want to totally screw up the corruption levels there.
i'll be moving there sometime next month.
who wants to go out for a beer?
boozy well.....
hey, i may visit NJ, but living there....i don't know about that. plus i wouldn't want to totally screw up the corruption levels there.
i'll be moving there sometime next month.
who wants to go out for a beer?
well boozy, that thought hadn't crossed my mind until you mentioned it....hmmmmm
i'll be moving there sometime next month.
who wants to go out for a beer?
naebs, glad it finally went thru! congrats bud
this is the absolute best confirmation that i have seen so far, proving that prince is a jw for sure.
i found this on the viewaskew website (news site for kevin smith, writer and director of clerks, dogma, and jay and silent bob strike back).. "fielding numerous 'are you high on the set' queries with patience and charm, he used the questions as a jumping off point for many personal anecdotes.
one of the highlights being a forty-minute tale on being invited to prince's paisley park to talk about filming something for prince, and ending up staying there a week filming a documentary about 'the truth' about jehovah, that 'will never see the light of day.'".
a family friend is an elder in the cong. prince attends. the elder told my mom prince is NOT baptized.
i recall that the wt stated that one's mind was open to demon possession when in a hypnotic trance.. this is quite curious, during the 50's my dad dabbled in hypnotism prior to becoming a jw, one of his old pals told me that he saw him hypnotise a woman who then allowed him to stick pins in her thumb without her feeling any pain at all.. i have seen a hypnotist transfix a friend of mine to the floor, he was unable to move without the hypnotists ok.. i also have another friend who uses a light trance to help people overcome their fears, it seems to work well on peple who have to give seminars or perform on stage.. anyone here ever been hypnotised?.
englishman.. bring on the dancing girls!
i was hypnotised at my senior graduation party. this was after i'd been da'd for about 9 months. my mom found out (she saw the video tape) and was SO mad at me! so i guess hypnotising isn't for jws. but i argued back "I NOT A JW NOW!" hehe
direct from the files of [email protected].
how to make an atheist backslide .
there is no god .
You are a fine man. *hugs*
I just wanted to pop in here and say thanks to both you and Abaddon for your posts. A joy to read .
i want a "normal" family.
i want to go to my mom's home on christmas.
i want to fight with my husband about whose house we are going to this year - his mom's or mine.
i'm sorry you feeling so down. is there anyway you can start to make your own traditions with your immediate family now? (i'm not sure if your hubby is a jw or not)
i want much of the same with my family. i wish i had the guts to give christmas presents to my jw family (i mean, they DO know i celebrate it, just not sure how they'd react to presents.) i also wish i could call and wish them happy birthdays and happy new years and happy thanksgivings. i try to not dwell on these things though. instead i try to enjoy the holidays the best i can with my friends. but i know it's hard. wish i had some wonderful words for you sweetie but all i can offer is cyber *HUGS*
Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley
the words: intellectual laziness.
recognize this trait?
ahhh,many who apostasies from the one truth, shall we say ,adopts this trait-and transforms into epitomies of intellectual laziness...they construct the premise there is no true god to mislead others...they proceed to construct arguments to support these prefabricated conclusions with the building blocks of false logic...they convince intellectually lazy individuals the odds of a creators existence are remote...a lie recognizable to any form of honest intelligence.. craig rusbult, ph.d. explains why god refuses to provide irrefutable proof in his existence on the web page - "although it isn't stated directly in the bible, god seems to prefer a balance of evidence: there is enough reason to believe if we want to believe, but not enough to intellectually force belief against our will.
erich, remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the existance of god requires some extraordinary evidence if you ask me. science has proven to me that evolution is a fact. can't say that about the evidence (none) of god's or a creator's existance.
what subject matters most interest you, what do you enjoy learning about and what does this subject matter do for you?.
what subjects ideally would you love to have knowledge of most and why?.
onen hag oll.
history, geography, culture, languages,, i just love to learn about everything i guess :)
the words: intellectual laziness.
recognize this trait?
ahhh,many who apostasies from the one truth, shall we say ,adopts this trait-and transforms into epitomies of intellectual laziness...they construct the premise there is no true god to mislead others...they proceed to construct arguments to support these prefabricated conclusions with the building blocks of false logic...they convince intellectually lazy individuals the odds of a creators existence are remote...a lie recognizable to any form of honest intelligence.. craig rusbult, ph.d. explains why god refuses to provide irrefutable proof in his existence on the web page - "although it isn't stated directly in the bible, god seems to prefer a balance of evidence: there is enough reason to believe if we want to believe, but not enough to intellectually force belief against our will.
okay here's my confusion.
farkel says "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
erich says "An example: The shit you made today into your toilet (hope ya have one..) has got no creator. It has been generated by itself, through evolution...;-)"
erich, where does farkel claim his shit generated itself???? you make no sense! neither did tina nor abaddon make this claim. so why do they have to prove anything?
*shrugs shoulders* oh well. thanks for the laugh