hehe ven, i'm a slow starter but once you get me going, can't shut me up!
thanks jan!
i'm sure this has been brought up before, but it gives me the willies(brrrrrr!
) to say the...jw words.
since i don't believe they are god's witnesses, then i can't say the words.
hehe ven, i'm a slow starter but once you get me going, can't shut me up!
thanks jan!
no conclusions, just thoughts.. should we disfellowship all of our friends and family who are jehovah's witnesses in order to protect ourselves and in order to wake them up to see how dangerous a path they are on?.
would like to see a discussion of this.. thanks.
so right you are!
just wanted to give you a big bear hug (((((hugs))))). i remember when i thought it was the end of the world when my brother started shunning me. we are close in age and we grew up playing together, racing bikes, building forts in the woods, building LEGO cities, just basically had a wonderful time growing up with him. when i first was da'd i still lived at home and although he'd talk to me when i talked directly to him, he never really had much to say to me...i was devastated by his reaction to my decision. every time i'd see him at school, at home it felt like i'd been punched in the gut! so i understand where you are. i want my family to be that happy, dancing 'round the kitchen, full of smiles family but well, to be blunt, shit happens. unfortunately, i do not have that kind of family but in my friends, i do have that. we break out in song, dance, fits of laughter.....thank god for my friends. so joel, i feel your pain and i wish i could make it all better for you. thanks for sharing so much of yourself with this us here.
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
i'm sure this has been brought up before, but it gives me the willies(brrrrrr!
) to say the...jw words.
since i don't believe they are god's witnesses, then i can't say the words.
OFF TOPIC but WOOHOO!!! i'm a "MASTER MEMBER" now!!!!!!!
i'm sure this has been brought up before, but it gives me the willies(brrrrrr!
) to say the...jw words.
since i don't believe they are god's witnesses, then i can't say the words.
alan, thank you! i need to realize that i can't expect him to "get it" immediately...patience is something i need to work on
tr, as for saying "jehovah's witnesses" i only use that term when speaking to someone who doesn't know anything about them. but i will usually use it once then revert to "jws" or "dubs". when i was in school and i had to explain why i couldn't attend a dance, party, whatever, i'd say "well, my PARENT'S are jehovah's witnesses and they won't let me go" LOL
i'm sure this has been brought up before, but it gives me the willies(brrrrrr!
) to say the...jw words.
since i don't believe they are god's witnesses, then i can't say the words.
hey alanf, thanks for bringing up "1984"
just a note on "1984" i gave that book to my 15 yr old unbaptized jw brother. he read it and wrote a book report on it for school. i'm hoping he saw some similarities between ingsoc and the jws...unfortunately, i'm afraid to bring it up to him myself. i just read the book about a year ago and couldn't believe the similarities!! he is a smart kid and i have LOTS of hope that he will wake up. i also gave him "animal farm" which is required reading for his school...hehe, good thing my 'rents have always allowed us kids to read pretty much whatever we wanted... 'rents would be quite shocked if they realized my underlying motives for giving him these books. and although i love them dearly, i feel i have to be "sneaky" if i wanna help my brother.
anyway..just wanted to share.
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
no conclusions, just thoughts.. should we disfellowship all of our friends and family who are jehovah's witnesses in order to protect ourselves and in order to wake them up to see how dangerous a path they are on?.
would like to see a discussion of this.. thanks.
joel, good topic!
out of my six family members, two siblings shun me. over the years since my da'tion, there have been occasion where they will talk to me or i'll get a phone call. my sister seems to be the one who wants to keep some contact going. my brother, on the other hand, is a complete dink in his shunning. i was not even allowed to attend his wedding reception! after that i decided it was a lost cause. i was no longer going to allow his decision to shun me to upset me. i'm sick of crying over the loss of my sister and brother and now i write them maybe once a year, hoping against the odds that maybe they are experiencing doubts or are missing me or whatever and want me back in their lives. oh well! the hardest thing is trying to explain this to my never-been-a-dub grandmother. she just has no understanding why they would do this to me. (thanks grandma for all your support!!) i do feel lucky that my 'rents and two other brothers have decided i'm worthy of their time and love..lol.
i also want to say that i agree with jan h on this. just because blood ties you to someone does not mean you have to put up with their asshole behavior! my sister used to tell me all the time, "blood is thicker than water" well now i know that was just a bunch of BS!! i guess what she really meant was "blood is thicker than water, as long as you are a jw"!! conditional love at it's best.
love to you all
"Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
-Sharon Monplaisir
at work i had this discussion with some of my buds, ..... what is the thing about the british, and irish, with drinking warm beer?
or at least room temperature?.
when i've done that, it dont do anything for me.
i have actually tried the fire-poker stirred beer, at a beer festival in new ulm minnesota. tasted pretty good but i still prefer cold beer
zev, glad to see you are posting again....((((zev))))
girl poem.
i shave my legs,.
i sit down to pee.. and i can justify any.
seeker! ROTFLMAO thanks great
girl poem.
i shave my legs,.
i sit down to pee.. and i can justify any.
okay, actually i'm not gonna change it. it's okay for a chick to call another chick a girl
girl poem.
i shave my legs,.
i sit down to pee.. and i can justify any.
haha seeker, i didn't even think of that..LOLOL
going to change it now...