this year i have learned so much and what i keep being taught repeatedly through experience this time instead of what someone tells me, is that much of what the society taught us about the world and many of the things in it is pure nonsence!.
i'm just giving one example for now even though there are many.. my son who is in elementary school has over a period of time expressed a desire to do something extracurricular.. oh the shame!!!.
now out of all the different things out there we chose karate.. jws frown on this because its a form of self defence, a competitive sport and they have labeled it and all martial arts in fact as demonized.. he is learning shotokan karate.he loves it and not one demon or demonized thing has happened so far and never will.. in fact i like what they are teaching my son.. this saying is on the wall of the school or dojo,.
hey all, i'm starting karate tonight :) i can't wait. before this i did boxing for about 9 months. i loved that too so i know i'll love karate. so happy i'm free to try new things that really interest me without having big brother telling me i'm evil. screw the borg!
i wish the best to all who are discovering new talents within themselves :)
(((struggle))) happy birthday to you! and thank you for sharing your story with us. i'm very sorry you were treated so un-lovingly by these so called christians. i wish you many happy days :)
hey guys :) well i survived the meeting. i wasn't able to pay very close attention at the meeting (since i had a killer headache) but the talk was on prayer. i took a few notes which i have at home and will post later today.
i was able to spend some time with the family and actually talked to my sister, even with her hubby in the same house. he, of course, did not say a word to me but i don't like him anyway so it didn't bother me. i'm just glad i got to catch up with my sis and give her a big hug.
well, since i live by myself now, this is a non-issue but when i lived with my boyfriend, the seat was always down. i could tell when his friends had been over, toilet seat in the up position. (actually, i think my b/f just had good aim, he actually never put the seat up to begin with!)
jeff, hehe, if i can get my hands on the wt for sunday's talk, i plan to "study" it my own way. hmmm, wonder if they would have the balls to call on me??
finn, *hugs*
sorry i could swing down for a visit while in N....would have been great to meet you. i'll look for you in chat. ps. i had a blast :)
thanks to the supportive words and encouragement of many here, i am now officially a student at arizona state university.. i just went to campus, and got a hard copy of the general catalog at the book store, and i went to the computer lab to setup my access.
just seeing the young and old, people of all sorts of ethnic backgrounds, milling around campus, all engaged in the wonder of learning, made me take pause and think about how silly the jw prohibition on college is, and how completely a learning environment can shatter the witness world view.
part of me wanted to cry, and another part of me was intrigued by the hot young college chicks...heh.. it is wonderful to be able to make choices for oneself.. any recommendations for my first course?