JoinedPosts by Tater-T
Funny JW photos & cartoons
by sacolton inplease share funny jw cartoons and photos.
i would love to see what you have..
Music Upon Your Exit
by RAYZORBLADE ini know this topic has been touched upon from time to time.
i haven't been on here regularly in many years, but i know what it is like for many; or those that are on their way of exiting the organization.. what songs do you recall or remember during your exodus from the wtbts ??.
i left mentally in the late autumn of 1983; apparently (i don't know officially...but does it really matter?
this summer here in Idaho they played this song a bunch , and the line
" and I can't be anyone but me, and i cant keep dreaming that I'm free"
gave me chills as I would think of my leaving the WT .. was because they couldn't let me be me
Conversation with a Seminary Student in Starbucks today
by Terry inthis is a distilled (and from memory) reconstruction of a chat this morning.... my 81 year old ex-baptist minister friend dub and i went to starbucks for coffee and conversation.
dub likes to start conversations with strangers.. today a seminary student caught his eye.
they talked for about half an hour before dub dropped me into it.
Why did you pick the name you have now
by label licker injust wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
my name is Tate.... and well you can imagine having a name that is so easy to create rhymes and what not...
so it's short for Tater-T-Bug.. which a friend coined since, I didn't like being called taterbug, when I was young....
you can call me tate tater or tbug ... just don't call me late fer dinner LOL
Oh, and Pam's girl your avatar is soo hot!
it's not lying if they believe it.... everything you SEE is a halucination ... your brain is processing the signals your eyes recieve.. to create a vision in your head.. your brain can make stuff up, you would never know the difference..
Why Do People Kill?
by minimus ini know that killing has gone on since the beginning of time.. but i wonder why some people kill?.
are they typically screwy in the head?.
are they just angry at the world or their family member or their boss?.
lead in the gas... why did we ever do that.... watch this video
You-are-too-dumb: Proper handling of nested magazines (BOE Letter)
by pixel into all bodies of elders.
re: proper handling of nested magazines.
dear brothers:.
Thank you for your continued support of the magazine-distribution arrangement.
...... eerrrrrrr preaching work.. ah hem...
yet another newbie..
by ragnarok75 ini've been lurking here for some time and now that i've registered here's a little bit about myself... i'm in northern europe (so english is not my own language,but i have indeed studied it for more than 18 months) and i was born into this hateful cult in the "momentuous" year of -75.good that my parents stayed alive till then!.
as far back as i can remember i had doubts both about the doctrines and the whole existence of god.however,i instinctively knew that these doubts are not to be mentioned.so i learned to be a fake at an early age.though having read many other stories here i realise how easy i got it.i now understand that we lived in a rather liberal area and also my family was quite liberal eventhough my dad was an elder since mid -80 and mom was really "strong in the truth".i never brought up the religion at school or with friends and was never bullied or anything.it helped that i was good at sports,especially football (soccer for americans) and football is also the source of my biggest hurt in childhood.i know it may sound very trivial,but the fact that i wasn't allowed to join a football team felt just so unjust and painfull and it lasted all through my childhood.whenever we had a new gym teacher,the first thing he asked me was which team do i play for.i was too embarrased to tell the truth and i just gave the impression that i only wanted to play for fun and not join any team.oh,how badly i wanted to!.
somehow i managed to silence all those doubts and got babtised as a young man.very soon after the babtism i knew that it didn't have the hoped for effect of making me more spiritual and meetings and field service still felt an absolute bore.now began the long years of just "going through the motions".all my family (parents,many brothers and sisters,uncles and aunts,nieces and nephews) and most of my friends were in.i never reached out and attended only one or two meetings a week and penned my hours.i kind of liked my congregation (also,the seats at our kh were really comfy,so i often slept through the meetings) and made some very good friends.friends that - as you all can guess- didn't turn out to be so good in the end,but with whom i nonetheless had some good times and felt a strong connection to.. for a long time nothing happened that would've disrupted my rather non-eventfull life as a lacklustre jdub with at least another foot in the "world".i'd done many things that would've gotten me d'fed,but i never had any intentions of going to the elders about it and i had no pangs of conscience about it either.it was just a matter of convenience..i liked my witness friends,wanted to hold on to them and not to lose my family.. however..there was this girl... a (worldly,of course) girl that i had absolutely fell for and had a brief romance with many years ago.now she was back in my life.i must omit the proceeding turns of events for the sake of anonymity,but the end result is that i'm a proud father of a lovely baby girl.well,not so much baby anymore as she starts school soon.i love her so much and it gives me great satisfaction that she is growing free from any influence of vicious cults or of any gods for that matter.we live now in different countries but i see her often and there's always skype.. her birth also acted as a catalyst for the change in relationship between me and the society.i decided that i wanted to share the joy of her birth and existence with my family,eventhough i also knew that that would mean i'd have to go the elders too.if i didn't,they would,and that would result in automatic disfellowshippping.. a jc was duly formed and i had decided that i'm not going to go there and tell them that i regret her,as having her is the best thing that's ever happeded to me.
welcome.. makes you wanna scream... love the avatar
I too.. had a daughter who changed my life, by not wanting to teach it to her.. it woke me up
Comment on this MAP of America's most BIBLE-MINDED cities
by Terry inhttp://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/cities.jpg.
I found this paragraph in the Watchtower study to be so ridiculous and offensive......
by Pyramid Scheme inusually i read through the study article for the week to see if there are good points of discussion with my family.. when i read this paragraph, i nearly fell off my chair.
this is complete and utter garbage.
i have had discussions with my wife and other family members who also agreed it was complete rubbish.
@ cobaltcupcake... I was that TV show.. well the last half hour .. scary..
@wha happened.. when I was DF'd .. they said you can't have any association with the congergation... and if you are found out to have worldy association you won't be reinstated.. the Isolation was unbearable.. one of the guy's I worked with came by and took me to a movie, I could tell he felt sick about my situation.. (FULL METAL JACKET)..