they are all looking down...? are the JW's crawling out in service..
JoinedPosts by Tater-T
The huge impact the JWs have out in their door knocking --- May 15, 2013
by RayPublisher inthe may 15, 2013 washtowel has a cute little piece of artwork about what an impact they make out in serve-us.
i thought some captions might help make it clearer!.
What if Christopher Dorner was an ex-Jw who had been df'd for no good reason?
by BackRoomBilly ini don't agree with killing but do you imagine it would shed some light on ttatt to the american public?
what impact do you think it would have on the r&f?
somebody on another thread mentioned oprah.
What impact do you think it would have on the r&f?
none ... they would say see what happens when you disobey Jehovah... better get stonger in the Truth.. so satan don't get cha TOO
What if Christopher Dorner was an ex-Jw who had been df'd for no good reason?
by BackRoomBilly ini don't agree with killing but do you imagine it would shed some light on ttatt to the american public?
what impact do you think it would have on the r&f?
somebody on another thread mentioned oprah.
History of JWN
by El_Guapo inhi guys,.
i was going through some old threads (love this site) and i came across someone mentioning in a post that this site started as gathering place for jw's and somehow became an "apostate" site.
lol .
probably looking for the truth.. with out boundries.. and a willingness to accept that truth no matter the preconcieved notions..
that being said, if you look hard enough you will find the truth
Women: Are they Equal to Men ?
by villagegirl inone of the hard core doctrines of the wt society, and many other religions, is that women are to be in "subjection" to men.. in the bible, in genisis , it says the domination of women by men came after adam and eve disobeyed god.
eve was cursed by pain in childbirth and that from then on as a curse: "he shall rule over you " from then on the male was to dominate the female.. but that was not in the original plan.
this was a reversal of the plan and a curse.
yes ..... they are equal in value... but all people are not equal in ability...
What are the things you dislike most about JW's?
by Chariklo intop of my list has to be hypocrisy.
it runs right through, from elders downwards.
the literature and the gb are bad enough, but the bit that touches ordinary people, householders, students and ordinary rank and file is the false goodness that they put on like a raincoat.
the fake humility..... they are really self righteous and haughty about there beliefs...
I've Come To Realize That "Facts" Don't Mean Much If A Person Refuses To Accept Them
by minimus in...and that applies to religion as well as politics.. if someone simply believes such and such is true, it doesn't really matter whether you "prove" it or not.
people will believe what they want to believe..
The mind has a life of its own, heh. The mind is like an engine, it keeps on ticking over, never shutting off. It even keeps going when we are asleep. Do you know what YOUR mind is doing while you sleep?? (Joke) It's been doing that since we were born (or before). It has developed its own habits, habitual ways of thinking and its own thoughts. If we have developed bad thinking habits, they are hard to break. We are always talking to ourselves. Many of us manage to change the contents of that self talk. How many can shut it off, for a while? Shutting thought down for a bit is like a reboot. Its a chance to look at facts in a new way, without the yrs of preconditioning that we all have developed.
Satanus ... you pretty much nailed it on belief systems and freewill... WOW!
I've Come To Realize That "Facts" Don't Mean Much If A Person Refuses To Accept Them
by minimus in...and that applies to religion as well as politics.. if someone simply believes such and such is true, it doesn't really matter whether you "prove" it or not.
people will believe what they want to believe..
have you seen the PBS series "Closer to Truth".. it explores cosmos consciousness god... this episode cover this topic
"How belief systems work" basicly we all have a core deep belief... and we will make everything else fit that... no matter what the facts are..
I've been DVRing this show for over a year ... it has been a real eye opener.. especially about Freewill .. which if you really exam it isn't true..
We do what we do because of who we are.. we are who we are because of circumstances beyond our control.. since we can't control that .. we don't have freewill..
thats not exactly how it was stated on the show, I'm still trying to find that episode.. anyway I should start my own freewill topic..
since you don't have freewill Facts are meaningless .. to a persons belief system..
Head Over Heels - Oscar-nominated Short Film
by Tater-T ina friend of a friends, nephew is up for an oscar... it's really good ...
edit; hit home
Head Over Heels - Oscar-nominated Short Film
by Tater-T ina friend of a friends, nephew is up for an oscar... it's really good ...
@ jgnat... I wondered if it home with you and marital situation...
@sir82 thanks for the link .. wanted to check out the others...