One of the hard core doctrines of the WT society, and many other religions, is that women are to be in "subjection" to men.
In the Bible, in Genisis , it says the domination of women by men came after Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
Eve was cursed by pain in childbirth and that from then on as a curse: "He shall rule over you " From then on the male was to dominate the female.
But that was not in the Original Plan. This was a reversal of the plan and a curse. The "curse" on mankind was nailed to the cross ( or stake if you prefer)
The Greek scriptures speak of women in the congregartions who were prophets, women who wer "deacons" or held some position in congrgations
and who were even acknowledged by Paul. There was a women Judge over Israel whole ruled for 40 years, and it was said during her rule there was
peace and properity. She was also a Prophet. Freedom from false teachings such as those that led us into bodage to the WT should include freedom
to accept women as equals.