Yes...Hot. My 4 year old son is watching very
she is perdy... LOL ... Stuff like slipnot I kinda grew out of .. I don't listen to much that inspires me to run thu walls .. LOL
but I gotta get offf here so Good night ya all..
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
Yes...Hot. My 4 year old son is watching very
she is perdy... LOL ... Stuff like slipnot I kinda grew out of .. I don't listen to much that inspires me to run thu walls .. LOL
but I gotta get offf here so Good night ya all..
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
Leolaia.. nice always love new material
here's the Muse song that made me run out and by the album
and ther latest mmmmmm madness
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
I like Band with 4 letters in their name .. and the middle one is a U .. Rush ..theCure.. theCult ..Muse is my new favorite in this unique catagory
It just dawn on me one day.. but I like alot of other stuff too..
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
I saw they were on SNL, didn't know their name but love that song hey ho, wish I hadn't changed channel..
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
speaking of new acts... ZZ WARD ... it's like hip-hop meets backyard blues.. and Hot!
i don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday..
yes sir !! I love these guys..
im sure this has been reiterated over the years again and again.. .
but how we approach our jw loved ones may either free them...or drive them further into the organization and away from us.
marking for later
does it vary by state?
can i use my jwness on a resume?
is there a test?
so i started a reply on the topic of "what's your status?
" and it made me think about my df hearing (sorry i can't remember the exact term for what happened).. so i was fading, living in a different country, working & making rare appearances at my kingdom hall.
i was flat sharing with a sister though.
I hate to sound foolish, but may I ask you all a question? If you wanted out, why not simply DA yourself, or refuse to meet with these men you know have no authority over you any longer, and let them df you without meeting with them? I consider myself to be someone who tries to show others respect, but from some of the descriptions I have read of some jc's, I seriously would have told these men to blow it out their butts after a few minutes. I don't mean to sound flip, I am just really curious. Thank you.
I ask myself the same thing... FEAR.. I still believed it was the TRUTH... no support like now... I figured I would make it though Armagedon on my own, as long as I didn't do the unforgiveble, think for myself...
i am doing a project and really can't find confirmation on line that all 8(?
) members are anointed.
would greatly appreciate it..
only as far as THEY know...