JoinedTopics Started by maccauk
Help! Jehuba Is Casting Doubts In My Mind!
by sinboi inremember when we were "in"?
we were told that if we have doubts regarding the bible and regarding the wt, it is satan that is casting doubts in our mind?.
i have been out for 4 months now.
Interesting conversation with JW friend
by Jules Saturn ini was withh a friend of mine who is a jw still and for whatever reason we started talking the bible.
i asked him about lazarus and how is that when he died he paid the price of sin, but then jesus resurrected him.
and i asked him "where is lazarus today?
Watchtower Study Today from August 2017 issue " Wait Patiently"
by BluesBrother intheme scripture , james 5 v 8 abbreviated to " you too, exercise patience".
(i guess we know what to expect now) .
" how long?
I have enjoyed the shunning in the past. But why not now?
by sinboi ini am prepared for shunning when i send in my da letter.
my dad was furious when he comes back from overseas and find out that i have da myself.
yes, i do regret not talking to him first before i da...i also know that my mom is crying in her room.. but they didn't chase me out of the house.
1 John 5:13-20 Jesus is the true God?
by NikL inone of the main things i am trying to wrap my head around after waking up to the nonsense of is the deity of christ.. jws go out of their way to ignore him, it seems to me.
they make him out to be an angel or something.
yet, if one simply reads the scriptures, you get an entirely different picture.. doing some bible reading this morning i accidentally (long story) read the latter part of 1 john 5 and it's good stuff.. after reading it in the niv i read it in nwt and it is still pretty amazing even in that abomination of a translation.. it says.... 13 i write you these things so that you may know that you have life everlasting, you who put your faith in the name of the son of god.
Hey "faithful slave," when did Jesus become king?
by The Fall Guy inw78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - "when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
this was 40 days after his resurrection from the dead, [33 c.e.
The fraud that is the 70 year desolation
by Crazyguy inas we know being former jws that we were taught that jerusalem was destroyed then 70 years it would be desolate.
well this isn't about jerusalem and the 607/ 587 argument.
this is about the whole subject of the 70 years desolation being a huge bible fraud.
Did Jesus pre exist? Yes or no?
by UnshackleTheChains inwhen i first became a witness, i always found the teaching about jesus being the arch angel michael hard to swallow.
i did however believe that jesus pre existed as a master worker alongside god (the first of his creation).. but now everything is brought into question having watched anthony buzzard explain why jesus could not have pre existed as it is impossible to pre exist yourself.
also the fact that it all sounds contradictory to suggest, he was already alive millions of years before he was transferred to mary's womb to be born as a human - the son of man?.
Why I think the Trinity doctrine is an irrelevant talking point with JWs, and what I believe could be a better approach.
by Island Man inthere are no authentic/uncontested bible verses that prove a trinity.
the trinity doctrine is arrived at by inferences - not unlike the way that jws arrive at the doctrine that jesus is michael the archangel.
the jw proof texts against the trinity are at least as strong, if not stronger than, trinity proof texts.
The great tribulation is now coming VERY soon!
by The Searcher inwatchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all! that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.