This is one of the MAIN things I really disliked about the WT&TS. After a while I started feeling like they were being very mean spirited and selfish, by having all that money and not giving back to the community their Kingdom Hall's were located at. They refuse to help anybody who is not a JW and they don't even help their own members - if they are in need of temporary assistance (lost their job, can't pay the light bill, no groceries, etc). They look to the local brothers and sisters to personally help them out (if that even happens) and really they don't even care what going on personally with their members, just as long as they don't miss an afternoon of field service pushing their rag-tag magazines.
No outreach funds, monies are there to help the community where the KH's are located or their members. They just horde all that money for real estate transactions, luxury overseas trips for the GB, UN dues and fees, building and construction, legal counsel and any other bullshit they can spend that money on that does not directly benefit their members or the community at-large.