It's come out in my old congregation that, not one, but TWO child molesters have been hiding in my old congregation. I knew both of them and one of them, an old man, was regularly at my house for field service meetings on a weekly basis.
In my old congregation there's an apostate who was awake long before i was. Unfortunately he cant leave because his wife and children and parents are still full on believers. Standing on carpark security duty one evening we got talking and he planted the seeds that got the ball rolling to my awakening. He called me this morning to tell me that one of the old brothers in the congregation has killed himself. Jumped off of his apartment building (like 12 floors high).
Lets call him Scumbag 1 - This guy was from South America. Very
kind and knowledgeable about the scriptures. Always on the ministry. I
mean, like, ALL DAY EVERYDAY. I noticed when i was in the congregation
that he never gave talks or held any position. I asked my elder father
in law a few years ago how come he isnt being used more. What he said
then i never gave much thought about, he said "Bro XXX will never
hold any position in the congregation. It's about his past. We all make
mistakes and Jehovah has forgiven him but he'll never go any further
than where he is".
This was the phonecall i got:
"Hey man. Just need to update you about something. Bro XXXX is in hospital.
He jumped off the roof of his apt building. His wife is going round
telling everyone he's in hospital because of a heart attack and people
are getting confused and asking questions because they're trying to turn
up to the hospital to support them but they're being told he's in a
critical condition for blunt force trauma. His son reported him to the
police last week for molesting him and his bro & sisters when they
were kids. He was abusing <daughter 1> from age 8!! His son's
little girl told her parents that Bro XXXX wanted her to keep secrets from her parents. Obviously the police were starting to pry into this and next thing you know he's jumped off his apt building. They reckon he'll be dead before the end of the day."
This explains A LOT. Not only does it explain why he wasn't allowed to go any further, it also explains that the elders must have known about this because he wasn't allowed to pioneer or hold any position.
wife must have known about it because she's lying to the friends about
why he's in hospital in the first place and surely all his kids must
have mentioned something. Abusing all of his children all that time and
she never knew?
And it explains why all of his children wanted nothing to do with him as
soon as they left the family home. Which means the elders have allowed a
pedophile to come into my home and be around my family and young
Then he tells me that there's more. Last month another brother was arrested and is now serving a prison sentence. The elders had to go into the prison to disfellowship him.
Lets called this one Scumbag 2 - He was kind of a loner. Always sat at the back by the sound desk. One of my "privileges" was sound desk so i used to make casual conversation with him. He always had a tan no matter what the weather. An elderly couple befriended him, this elderly couple cared for their teenage granddaughter of about 13yo and grandson of about 9yo. They were always going on days outs together, they'd give him lifts to the meetings, to conventions, to witness parties etc. Next thing you know he's been arrested. No one in the congregation knew why. He asked the elderly couple to go into his house to feed his dog while he was in custody. When the old brother went into his home to feed the dog he found "something" which deeply upset and disturbed him. Despite the impeccable rumor mill the JW's have, no one has of yet managed to wrangle out of the elders what it was. BUT... the teenage granddaughter was called into the backroom after the Sunday meeting. She left in tears. That's all we know so far.
My reckoning is that he's done something to her, or was planning to and it's been discovered. He's in prison most likely for molesting some other poor child. It's a sad sad state of affairs, not something im reveling over even though i hate the cult. I really hope the families see this cult for what it is and get out now.