i attended a district assembly in Sheffield UK on my honeymoon.
hahahahahaha!! Oh Stan, im sorry mate.
this photo is doing the rounds on jw inspirational on instagram.
although the brothers and sisters think this is "oh so amazing" and "so cool" it's actually very sad and quite shocking.
what, people cant even enjoy their wedding day without the cult invading their special day.
i attended a district assembly in Sheffield UK on my honeymoon.
hahahahahaha!! Oh Stan, im sorry mate.
Perhaps I am wrong, but I was under the impression that freely and openly associating with a disfellowshipped person is something one can get disfellowshipped for. Therefore, if that person does not shun, then they will be shunned themselves. That sounds like "enforced shunning" to me.
That's what i used to think. But actually, in Shepherd The Flock Of God page 116 it says:
So there is a loop hole. But because this is in the secret elders manual the rank and file wont know this.
I thought about the OP's question when i first left. The majority of JW's who are actively shunning are doing so because they're told to. It has nothing to do with the perceived sin the person may have committed. This is proven in the fact that most family members will still speak to you until your announcement is made. If you ask them they say its to "keep the congregation clean" or that they "choose to stay loyal to Jehovah". Of course some will pull 1 Corinthians 5:11 out of their ass and use this as "proof". But this isn't really the case because if the GB abolished shunning i guarantee that 99.9999999% of JW's would suddenly start talking to you again.
It violates free will because the person doing the shunning may want to talk to someone, but they know there'll be consequences if they do. When in fact, there shouldn't be. An abusive relationship indeed.
this photo is doing the rounds on jw inspirational on instagram.
although the brothers and sisters think this is "oh so amazing" and "so cool" it's actually very sad and quite shocking.
what, people cant even enjoy their wedding day without the cult invading their special day.
This photo is doing the rounds on JW inspirational on Instagram. Although the brothers and sisters think this is "oh so amazing" and "so cool" it's actually very sad and quite shocking. What, people cant even enjoy their wedding day without the cult invading their special day. They cant even have ONE DAY devoted to them.
I actually think this would put people off approaching, what sort of crazies do this on their wedding day.
Im told this is brother and sister Cholokashvili from the Supsa congregation in Poti, Georgia (the country, not the US state). Lets hope this isnt in their wedding album because when one of them wakes up and leaves they'll look back and cringe.
last week a new letter for the boe in germany was published online.
i want to share it with you (poor translation by google, sorry for that):.
to all service comitees of german speaking congregations.
Brothers and sisters with a vocal education? Sorry brothers, you told us we couldn't pursue further education because armageddon was just around the corner.
Jazz? WTF?!!
mark 10:45: "for even the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.".
1 timothy 2:5-6: "for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.".
the ransom that was taught for the first 1,000 years of christianity.
This is brilliant. Thanks!!
: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/#mediaitems/allvideos/pub-pk_e_26_video.
sickening propaganda for our young ones.
they've laid off on the "armageddon will be here soon" angle and now it's all about "hope".
Have you seen this? : https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/#mediaitems/AllVideos/pub-pk_E_26_VIDEO
Sickening propaganda for our young ones. They've laid off on the "armageddon will be here soon" angle and now it's all about "hope". "Hope" of living forever in a paradise. "Hope" that will get us through tough times.
Is this the best they have now? No REAL practical help from the scriptures? No REAL practical help from the congregation to the community? Just "hope"?
It was crap like this that i envied other religious people that seemed to live happy lives knowing their scriptures back to front and inside out.
my mother wanted me to know that the co gave a talk that kinda-sorta reprimanded an elder in her hall.
he is not the reason i left at all, and this does not address anything to do with me or our family.. my mother-in-law sent me texts which i ignored and now she has sent a picture to my wife on facebook just for me, and it's a prodigal son meme that says, "you see the signs, come back it's not too late".. yeah, it's not too late to accept a global flood in 2370 bce, or that man was created in 4026 bce from a golem spell, or that an us-and-them cult mentality is at all healthy or loving, or that religion is going to be banned by the un, or that i should expect anyone else at the door to accept these stupid ideas in the information age.. what am i supposed to say?
i usually just ignore them, but before i do that, i see that shit and i storm into this weird internalized rage where i start writing a response and deleting it.
When I was an active JW I lost count how many times I used to hear JWs saying that they were sure ex brother or sister so and so "knows it is the Truth" and that they will soon come to their senses, or just need guiding back with love and encouragement. Ahhhhhh!!
Oh I hear ya! My family are saying this to congregation members about me.
came across this article regarding non jw relatives.
the hypocrisy in this article is astounding.. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102003808#h=10.
my comments are in yellow.. .
Came across this article regarding non JW relatives. The hypocrisy in this article is astounding.
My comments are in yellow.
When Loved Ones Do Not Share Your Faith
ACCORDING to one estimate, there are more than 10,000 religions and sects in the world. In one country about 16 percent of the adult population have at some point switched from one religion to another. It is no wonder, then, that there are disagreements about religious beliefs among relatives and friends. Sometimes this results in strained relationships. Thus the question, How should Christians treat loved ones who do not share their faith?
Yes, sometimes it results in strained relationships. Especially when one of the religions actually encourages shunning for those that wish to leave.
A Special Relationship
Consider, for instance, what the Bible says about the special relationship between parents and their children. No time limit is implied in the command at Exodus 20:12 to “honor your father and your mother.” In fact, in Jesus’ discussion of this command, recorded at Matthew 15:4-6, it is obvious that he was speaking of the honor that adult children would render to their parents.
The Bible book of Proverbs cautions against showing disrespect toward one’s parents. Proverbs 23:22 advises that you should “not despise your mother just because she has grown old.” Pointedly, Proverbs 19:26 warns that one who “is maltreating a father [and] that chases a mother away is a son acting shamefully and disgracefully.”
It is clear from the Scriptures that we should not neglect our parents. The fact that our parents do not accept our religion does not cancel our relationship with them. These Bible principles apply similarly to other blood relations and to one’s marriage mate. Clearly, Christians remain morally and Scripturally obligated to love their relatives.
Why then dont you apply these principles to ex-JW family members?
Reasonableness Is Vital
Of course, the Bible warns against bad association, and this influence could come from one’s immediate relatives. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Many faithful servants of God in the past stood up for what is right even though their parents disagreed. This evidently was true of Korah’s sons. (Numbers 16:32, 33; 26:10, 11) True Christians should not compromise their faith to please others, not even their relatives.—Acts 5:29.
"True Christians should not compromise their faith to please others, not even their relatives" Lets flip this around shall we? Suppose you're from a family of Catholics, and your brother converts to become a JW. Wouldn't it be unreasonable to for the Catholics to shun their brother? Simply for converting to a religion he really believes in?
In some situations parents or other loved ones vehemently fight against the beliefs of a Christian. Some may even become enemies of true Christianity. In such cases Christians take reasonable steps to protect their spirituality. Jesus aptly said: “A man’s enemies will be persons of his own household. He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me.”—Matthew 10:36, 37.
In most cases, however, Christians do not face severe opposition from their loved ones. Their relatives simply do not share the same understanding of Bible teachings. The Holy Scriptures encourage Christ’s followers to treat unbelievers “with mildness” and “deep respect.” (2 Timothy 2:25; 1 Peter 3:15) The Bible aptly counsels: “A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all.” (2 Timothy 2:24) The apostle Paul also counseled Christians “to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men.”—Titus 3:2.
Keep in Touch and Express Love
At 1 Peter 2:12, Christians are given this encouragement: “Maintain your conduct fine among the nations [unbelievers] that . . . they may as a result of your fine works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God.” Often, loved ones who do not share our beliefs see the changes that the Bible has made in our life. Remember that many who were indifferent or even opposed to Bible truth have changed their mind. It may have taken many years of closely observing the good conduct of a marriage mate or a child for some individuals to investigate the reason behind that conduct. When people do not accept Bible truths, let it not be because they were neglected by a Christian loved one.
Funny, if they actually practiced this, maybe they wouldn't be losing 70% of born in's every 10 years and 33% of converts a year.
Admittedly, circumstances vary, and some Christian Witnesses live far away from their parents. It may not be possible to visit as often as desired. But writing letters, calling on the telephone, or keeping in contact regularly in other ways will assure our loved ones of our affection. Many who are not true Christians love their parents and other relatives and communicate regularly with them regardless of their religious affiliation. Should Christian Witnesses do any less?
Indeed. I mean, surely JW's should be setting the gold standard in family unity if they're true imitators of Christ. I tend to see more love and kindness from the staff in my local Starbucks then i do from my ex Family.
[Picture on page 26]
Keeping in touch with your loved ones will assure them of your affection
jehovahs witnesses and the goddard enquiry made the news on bbc radio 4. it talks about how they've deliberately destroyed evidence after being told to hand them over to the courts.. listen to the first minute then fast forward to 33mins:.
Jehovahs Witnesses and The Goddard Enquiry made the news on BBC Radio 4. It talks about how they've deliberately destroyed evidence AFTER being told to hand them over to the courts.
Listen to the first minute then fast forward to 33mins:
so i was checking out the website to see what the february broadcast was all about before i watched it with my jw wife.. on the front page was this video.... https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodbible/pub-jwbai_201607_1_video.
i watched it and pretended i had never been a jw.. if you pretend you don't understand their particular language it makes for a interesting (if not vague) watch.. btw i've seen several of the actors before.
jw version of movie stars?
Looking at it now as as a non JW it just reeks of sadness. It's so sad that he has to report what he does, who he talks to etc to his parents and elders.
Yeah mate, dump that nice pretty girl, spend the best years of your life wasting away in the "ministry school".
The girl had a lucky escape if you ask me.