My family are very superstitious in this regard. Demons like to live in 2nd hand shirts and yard sale vases etc. They put normal everyday things down to demons such:
As a light bulb going off on its own (they dont last forever you know).
One room on the house being colder than the others.
Being pinned to the bed at night (this one is more popular, it's simply a cases of Sleep Paralysis, a normal medical occurrence).
I used to believe all that too until i read Derren Brown's Tricks Of The Mind. I've never actually seen a demon. So i decided to stop believing them until i actually saw for myself something happen. So far nothing has. And i currently have a copy of the Satanic Bible, two Hindu idols and a Kali Yantra on my door. So there's 4 really strong "invitations" for demons to come and have a play at my house. So far they dont want to.