Wow! I never realized this before. I know when i first left i felt as if thinking for myself was wrong. It takes time to discover who you really are and what things you really do like and dislike.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Does The Watchtower Corporation's Teachings Of Black White Thinking Induce Borderling Personality Disorder In Many Cult member?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the disfellowshipping abandonement arrangement in human relationships also to be a heavy contributor to this malady:.
borderline personality disorder (bpd), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
The Milgram experiment.
by The Rebel inthe milligan experiment was an experiment on obidience to authoritive figures.
it's worth checking out, for in my opinion the experiment showed how even before the conscience is desenthitized, people will go to any length to gain approval from their authoritive figure.
this clarified to me why many become ministerial sevants, elders and company men, giving their life to an organisation they proudly refer to as mother..
I've seen this test being performed on TV to show ordinary people tend to submit to authority figures.Derren Brown uses it to test how susceptible some people are, being told that they wont be held responsible somehow switches off their critical thinking.
Outraged After Watching The May 2017 Broadcast
by pale.emperor inok, so i've just put myself through another months broadcast so i can see what bull they're feeding my still in relatives.
all was going fine... well, i say fine, i mean the usual cheesy videos, rehearsed reactions from jeffrey jackson (you remember him, the one who told half truths and lies at the royal commission) and propaganda from jw land.. the last feature brings up 9/11 and the paris 2015 attack at the bataclan.
just as im thinking "how are they gonna spin this in their direction" i hear these words:.
Ok, so i've just put myself through another months broadcast so i can see what bull they're feeding my still in relatives. All was going fine... well, i say fine, i mean the usual cheesy videos, rehearsed reactions from Jeffrey Jackson (you remember him, the one who told half truths and lies at the Royal Commission) and propaganda from JW land.
The last feature brings up 9/11 and the Paris 2015 attack at the Bataclan. Just as im thinking "how are they gonna spin this in their direction" i hear these words:
"It was around 10pm that i heard the new. A newsflash announced that there was an attack... and then i immediately thought of our brothers and sisters".
Just some background info, at the Bataclan terrorist attack 90 people were slaughtered by terrorists. This guy doesn't think of them, doesn't think of them as individual human beings, somebodies mother/father/child... no, this **** thinks of "the brothers and sisters".
It gets worse... "...we set up a committee the next day to assist the brothers and sisters who were affected by this event". Now don't get me wrong. That's a very nice and decent think to do, but why just "the brothers and sisters?" Why not everybody? Wouldn't it have been a great witness to see the WT org helping everybody rather than just their own? The man on the video re-enactment even consults his bible first. WHY?!! Doesn't common sense prevail when 90 people have been killed? A 2000 year old book doesn't need to be consulted. You help all where you can.
And what was the help they gave? What help could a multi-billion dollar organization made up of free labor possibly offer? Shepherding.
Yes, that's right. No blankets, no food being distributed, no therapy paid for. Just two unqualified elders turning up at your home pulling scriptures out their ass with a JW spin on it.
It's highlighed that at 9/11 14 JW's had died. That's a horrible, horrible tragedy. It really is. But why differentiate? Imagine someone saying "14 white people had died" or "14 left handed people had died"... what would you think?
It really annoys me when Watchtower does this. It sets up a "us and them" mentality. That the only people that really matter are the JW lives.
Right. Rant over.
Brother Bradford's comment at the April 29 ,2017 Watchtower Study
by NCC-1701 inhope this works .
was listening to this on youtube today.
check out brother bradford's comment about the picture of the governing body at about the 1:11:38 mark..
Actually, this image is photoshopped. There was indeed a center chair memeber but when he died they just photoshopped the photo rather than take another one.
How much time and money did we waste traveling to meetings alone?
by longgone inquick answer: way too much!.
this is something that really gets to me, all the way back to my childhood.
twenty minutes each way, three times a week.
At one point i was spending £80 a month minimum on travel to/from meetings. That's not including field service.
As for time, yeah although the Thursday meeting was from 7:15pm-9pm, i'd get home from work at 6:30pm throw down a quick unhealthy meal down my neck, and leave for the meeting. Then you wouldnt get home until at least 10pm. So there's you evening gone.
Sunday, you wouldnt get home until 1pm and that's if you didnt do ministry, if you DID go out on the ministry you'd get home around 3pm. There's your Sunday gone.
And lets not forget you'd NEVER get a lie in. You're up for work at 7am every weekday, then on Saturday you're up at 8am to make it to the morning field service and up at 8:30 on Sunday.
How the hell did we survive?!!
19 Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor in
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
Unexpected? Why not just find friends in school or hobby clubs like everyone else? Oh yeah, because if they dont worship your God they're automatically a bad association.
Do you find it therapeutic coming to this site?
by UnshackleTheChains ini read on another thread how this site has helped another user and that for them it has been a form of therapy.. for me yes, jwn has most certainly been a form of therapy.. i recall the days i first came to jwn (in 2004) and couldn't believe i had found people who were of the same opinion as myself in regards to the society.
it was this site that led me to reading ray franz's book 'crisis of conscience' which i read twice within a week.
it also led me to jw facts that goes into every nook and cranny regarding the society's teachings, policies and history.. note: i also visit many other sites and watch you tube videos a lot, but gravitate here most of the time.. coming here to express my inner most thoughts and feelings has helped me no end and allows me to overcome my frustrations.
Yes this site is my therapy. I visit every day even just to catch up on what we're discussing or whats come out in WT-land.
Has anybody read Captives Of A Concept? It's another JW expose. I read it one sitting last night. If you ever needed 100% proof of their beliefs being false using only their literature you have to read it.
19 Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor in
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
Some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them". Could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?
Secondly, the worksheet encourages young ones to befriend people from different backgrounds. How hypocritical that they wont allow them to make real friends with kids in school from other religions/beliefs. There are perfectly decent people outside Watchtower that are not bad association.
2017 Regional Convention Outlines
by accesible in2017 regional convention outlines.
aquí están todos los bosquejos de la asamblea regional 2017 en inglés.
Each overseer who has access to these outlines and other materials are given unique passwords which is different from his convention domain password. These passwords are shared through a letter sent to the Convention Committe Co-ordinator. Usually, the Audio-Video Overseer will share his password with a volunteer/key-man with whom he is working so as to print the talk outlines and use it during the video and demonstrations rehearsals before the convention
The branch can easily come to know which overseer has been assigned with this password which can land him in unnecessary trouble and pain.
So much secrecy. It's almost as if they Watchtower Society is a cult that likes to keep most of their members in the dark. <insert sarcasm here>
Anyone Heard Any Good DEMON Stories Lately?
by Cold Steel ini saw this recent account on youtube recently and wondered if anyone had any good spook stories?
haunted books?
ouija boards?
My family are very superstitious in this regard. Demons like to live in 2nd hand shirts and yard sale vases etc. They put normal everyday things down to demons such:
As a light bulb going off on its own (they dont last forever you know).
One room on the house being colder than the others.
Being pinned to the bed at night (this one is more popular, it's simply a cases of Sleep Paralysis, a normal medical occurrence).
I used to believe all that too until i read Derren Brown's Tricks Of The Mind. I've never actually seen a demon. So i decided to stop believing them until i actually saw for myself something happen. So far nothing has. And i currently have a copy of the Satanic Bible, two Hindu idols and a Kali Yantra on my door. So there's 4 really strong "invitations" for demons to come and have a play at my house. So far they dont want to.