I think some new light might be shining our way soon.
If they drop 1914 i doubt my family would even care.
“there may be occasions when it would be good for us to reconsider a choice or decision.
it could be when the prevailing circumstances change.
jehovah altered his decision at times when circumstances changed.
I think some new light might be shining our way soon.
If they drop 1914 i doubt my family would even care.
i've been thinking about the changes we make within ourselves after leaving the wts cult.
i'm not referring to how we spend our time now that we actually have some, but who we have become, or working to be?.
the gb carries on and on about "stripping off the old personality and putting on the new one.
Personally im a lot more outgoing, friendly and engaging. I can see now all those times i got in trouble with elders and parents and peers because of some non-JW behavior or thinking was little parts of my real self trying to burst free. Not that i was doing anything bad, nothing serious, just having posters on my bedroom wall, being a fan or Nirvana, reading other "holy books", having a gay friend.
Since leaving i feel like im 19yo again. Im discovering the world around me and im fascinated and excited about many things non JW's take for granted. Christmas still doesn't appeal to me, i dont think its wrong or anything i just dont see the fuss about it. Birthdays are nice though.
So my personality is finally free to blossom and im loving it. I treat every day as a wonderful day to be alive and my Sunday mornings/Thursday evening are particularly more enjoyable!
Never had this in all my 31 years as a JW!
how do the gb micro-manage people's lives today?one example is their micro management in dress and grooming.
eg their view of beards.
elders in most congs will take a brother to a corner and remind him why jws don't grow beards.
So glad I left just as the video on a tablet ministry just started to become the new thing. There's no way I'd show a tablet to a householder on the ministry where I live. The territory I used to be assigned to you had to watch your valuables. They'd rob the teeth from your head if they had the chance.
As for micro managing our lives, my ex wife used to always ask me "are we allowed?" when we were shopping and something would have a cartoon snowman on the packet or Santa Claus on a Coca Cola bottle. Lots of JWs are used to asking permission for almost anything. Just like little children.
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
@ 2:52 how many times have you had that happen to you and you've thought "oh f***!"
this is my first time making an o.p.
an elder told me that he had access to a website online that had all the old bound volumes and books.
also, he made sure to say it was not an apostate website, but a 'legit' website made by brothers.
Ones i use are:
But i cant see them being made by a still active JW though.
on http://avoidjw.org/2017-regional-convention/ you can find the talk outlines of the regional convention this year.. i looked into the final talks each day and found these releases to be announced:.
on saturday:.
new magazine-size book entitled "lessons you can learn from the bible".
New bible story book huh? I always thought they could do with an update. Or put those comic books into one big book. Maybe that's what they're doing.
Anywhere where we can download it?
I always said they should put the comic book ones into one book. It'd be a waste not to. As much as i cant stand the org i gotta hand it to them, the artwork is very good.
The book is not a collection of comic book stories, it features completely new artwork. A user on JWtalk who knows how to dig into JW.org's metadata on its CMS posted some of the pictures, but they were subsequently removed by the moderators out of respect for the ones preparing the spiritual food.
The book is not yet downloadable on JW.org, but will be next week, shortly before the start of the first convention on Friday. As of now, the book's download link shows 60 languages, but files attached.
When the files will be downloadable, you can access them via this link: https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=PDF&pub=lfb. If you prefer other format than PDF, replace the fileformat parameter to EPUB, JWPUB or MP3.
Great. I'll look forward to downloading it. I'll get my self a few hard copies (my little girl still goes the meetings with her mum).
The download only idea makes sense from a cost cutting point of view. But it's also a shame because they can update the "new light" whenever they want.
i had an interesting conversation with a fellow ex-jw yesterday.
for the sake of this post lets call her "katie".
katie is a former pioneer who suddenly stopped attending meetings and managed to be left alone by the elders.
Am I reading this right? If I had left, I don't think I'd use the term "return to Jehovah." I might have said, "You have any intention of going back?" Also, what's "Katie" doing by then going to an elder in the congregation and asking what she should do? Sounds like she was seeking counsel. It may be just me, but are you sure she's all the way out?
No, HER MOTHER asked the elder if she could still speak to her daughter.
this was partly discussed in this thread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4853755331739648/these-common-jw-beliefs?page=2#!#5701815683252224 but i wanted to delve into the topic of yoga even further.. it seems watchtower have no clue what yoga actually is, or what it can achieve.
i myself dont practice yoga, but i do meditate and see the benefits of that.. here is an artical from watchtower 2002 with my commentary:.
Rainbow Troll, i hope you're joking with me. I'm seriously lost for words at how deluded you came accross there. So either good acting or oh dear.
this was partly discussed in this thread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4853755331739648/these-common-jw-beliefs?page=2#!#5701815683252224 but i wanted to delve into the topic of yoga even further.. it seems watchtower have no clue what yoga actually is, or what it can achieve.
i myself dont practice yoga, but i do meditate and see the benefits of that.. here is an artical from watchtower 2002 with my commentary:.
I remember around ten years ago The Williams sisters had a reality show, on one episode I remember Venus's coach or whoever had mentioned to her about doing some yoga and Venus kept saying "my religion doesn't believe in it" or "I can't do it because of my religion!", she said it quite a few times as the woman was trying to convince her it would be good for her. Amazing how they stand up for Jah's principles and probably haven't stepped foot in a KH in decades.
Funny, she didn't tell her boyfriend that "my religion doesn't allow it" when he was getting her pregnant recently.
one thing that surprised me shortly after joining this site was the number of individuals who, after experiencing the deception of being a jw and the hypocrisy of the “truth”, switched to being catholic or “born-again” evangelists.
it seemed to me like jumping from the hot pan into the fire.. i don’t want to piss anyone off for his or her choices.
i feel everyone is free to believe what they may.
Personally when i left the JW's i'd had enough of religion. I'd spent so long debunking other religions with a vast amount of reading their own holy book(s), researching them etc and when i did it with my own religion it was obvious that the most logical thing to do it just live your life and be good.
I dont know why anyone Catholic and Born Again included would want to worship a god that throws people a fiery torment for all eternity. He sounds like Sid from Toy Story. A petty, insecure, child who needs a smack on the ass.
But hey, thats just me.