The shoulder pads give it away. They should fit like a glove, not over sized.
Stephen Lett is guilty of this fashion faux pas:
such fun.
what gems will this plump little oddball be ranting about this time?.
The shoulder pads give it away. They should fit like a glove, not over sized.
Stephen Lett is guilty of this fashion faux pas:
And yet the elders guidebook Shepherd The Flock Of God, page 116 paragraph 6 states:
Congregation members are led to believe that shunning is a "law" from Jehovah, when at best it's simply a recommendation from the GB. Since when did women have privileges to lose in the first place? A woman can't even pray aloud in the company of men without putting a dishcloth on her head.
i didn't manage to last the whole broadcast.
it was so unbelievably boring that i only managed halfway before i switched it off.
in this broadcast anthony morris iii (who i affectionately call "the don") stresses to us the importance of studying - not one - but two of their publications in order to understand the bible.
I didn't manage to last the whole broadcast. It was so unbelievably boring that i only managed halfway before i switched it off. In this broadcast Anthony Morris III (who i affectionately call "The Don") stresses to us the importance of studying - not one - but TWO of their publications in order to understand the bible. We should be studying with our bible-studies and our children What Does The Bible Really Teach? and afterwards the Keep Yourselves In Gods Love book.
After using weak arguments and cherrypicking a few scriptures to try and convince us that God has an organization (I'll be doing a YouTube vid on this later), he tells us that "every year some become in active" and that "in some cases, it's found that they didn't study these books". That's right folks, Jehovah God - the all powerful, all knowing, all wise - gave us the bible but 2000 years later He realized that it wasn't enough and people actually need two more books to study. Because, whoever became a Christian with just the bible? You're asking the impossible!
When you see witnesses on your door or on their cards they're offering you a Bible Study. Not a study of their own publications. They should put that in their adverts. The bible alone, according to it's own words: "All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,* for disciplining in righteousness,+ 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." [2 Timothy 3:16]
So according to the bible, no other books are required.
Now, ask yourself, what sort of person would offer to study the bible with you, then actually study another book with you in order to "explain" what God really meant when he said what he said? It's like having God write you a letter and then someone taking the letter from you and reading it to you instead of just letting you read it for yourself.
This is exactly the same sort of thing that went on in Charles Taze Russell's day. Only with him he pushed his book "Studies In The Scriptures"... which later turned out to be, not just old light, but if you were to teach it today it'd be considered apostate Christendom.
And lets not forget that the Bible Teach book has been updated at least twice since it's first publication. So the GB are the last people to tell us what the Bible actually Teaches.
the july jw broadcasting camera zooms in on tony's ring at around the 8:30 mark here:
maybe it's not a big deal.
maybe it is.. in my opinion, it's being kind of flashy.
I dont think thats a stone, it looks like a reflection from the camera. I did think it a little too flashy for an international broadcast, but then im not a cult leader with 8 million people drooling at my every word.
heard gave 3 talks at the convention.
one thing i noticed rather quickly was how stuck he was to his notes.
he rarely looked up.
IMO Heard and Losch are the worst speakers in the Body. Both barely fit for even the #3 in the Theocratic (old) school.
The others arnt much better. Can you imagine the reaction if Stephen Lett was just your normal visiting speaker, got up on the platform in your KH and did a talk in his manner? He'd be laughed off the platform.
Then there's Anthony Morris III just going on and on about the gruesome details of armageddon on talking about tight trousers.
heard gave 3 talks at the convention.
one thing i noticed rather quickly was how stuck he was to his notes.
he rarely looked up.
I remember i had a part at the circuit assembly. One of those demos where they show a "bad" family and a "good" family. I was in the "bad" family and had to present i was skipping a meeting to go to a rock concert. Everything was scripted from Watchtower. It even included American slang that we dont use here in the UK. The "bad dad" even had to say "the folks at work have invited me bowling this Thursday". Really? "folks"? "bowling"?
It's pretty sad that the old token black guy of the GB cant give a talk without being note tied. I mean, if anyone would be able to get away with throwing their own ideas into a talk it'd only be a member of the GB. Lets just hope his earthly course is due up.
my 3yo daughter lives with me 4 days and with her mum 3 days.
i have her tues, wed, fri evening and saturday all day.
which means my ex takes her to sunday and thursday meetings but she doesn't go door knocking on saturday because she's with me.. i dont mind - at the moment - because in a way i want her to know the jw jargon so we can talk about it without having to explain what it is, and i want her to compare the bullshit to the real world.
Pretty unorthodox arrangement that you have your 3 year old daughter the majority of the time. Children that young need their mum's mostly.
What she needs is stability and love. Her mum does love her, but the Watchtower comes first. And her OCD. The only thing i expect from my daughter is to share and be nice to people.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
I very much doubt Watchtower are doing this. Think about it, some GB has got to think it up, pass it on to someone in the art dept, then get it printed. Are you telling me that no one in the art dept has ever left the WT? If they did they'd be telling us all about it. Listen, if you hold a picture of anything to a mirror at a certain angle and squint you'll see whatever.
Subliminal my ass.
so i am driving with my oldest the other day and she says..... i was reading the watchtower at the meeting and thought.... "the watchtower and awake are just like... what is that stuff that countries put out when they are at war?...
propaganda... yeah, they only give you one side of something and you have to listen to them because they are chosen".
i praised allah right then and there!!!
I remember when i was dating an Oxford lecturer in politics, i shown her a watchtower magazine and within seconds she asked me "ok, they're claiming "scientists say..." what scientists? what are their credentials? what tests did they run? was it published and acknowledged?". As a JW we just accepted phrases like "scientists say...", in the real world, intelligent people require more than that. As a teacher, there's no way she's accept an exam paper without citations and credentials of the writer.
i'll share mine first.... i had never missed a memorial for at least a quarter of a century of my life.
i was kind of raised to believe that missing the memorial was a sin in itself.. by 2013 memorial season, i was missing most of my meetings (even though i was still technically part of my foreign language congregation), and i had just come off the pioneer list.
i still made plans to attend the memorial (god forbid if i missed that lol).. i knew that typically our memorials were around 9 pm, since we usually got last priority (being a foreign language hall and all).
The last one I went to was 2 years ago when I was still an active JW but in the process of awakening. Didn't go to 2017's because I was already wide awake and out.
I am going to next years though so I can eat and drink it. My arrival will make the elders think coming back, that I'm playing their game. But when they see me partaking it'll likely piss them off. I hope so. Might even break a peice off for my daughter to eat.