Who suggested a polygraph test? They've been proven as bullshit and no more reliable than tarot cards or horoscopes.
If you want to leave, now is the ideal opportunity. But then everyone will think you did write it and left for that reason.
some years ago, i was dating a jw girl for a short time.
i was ms back then and she was a regular pioneer.
after we broke up, little more than few months later she dated a guy from the navy and she got pregnant.
Who suggested a polygraph test? They've been proven as bullshit and no more reliable than tarot cards or horoscopes.
If you want to leave, now is the ideal opportunity. But then everyone will think you did write it and left for that reason.
because i simply decided the watchtower corporation wasn't the truth(tm) i was da'd in a secret jc that i didn't attend.
i was writing songs with a friend that day instead.. jws wasted no time in labelling me as an evil villain.
the rumours abounded.. i was labelled as 'a false prophet'.
How about this for a rumor. My dad asked to come off as a min servant many years ago. Of course they dont announce it like that, the announcement from the platform was "bro so-and-so is no longer a ministerial servant" (why they have to announce it at all is beyond me).
The rumor going round was that "he's been taken off because he hits his wife", "he's been taken off because he committed adultery", but the one that stuck was "he's been taken off because he refuses to go on the ministry... i mean look, we haven't seen him on the ministry in weeks!.
How loving of the congregation.
In actual fact he had cancer. He was receiving treatment and even had morphine on a drip at this stage. Because he didn't tell everybody most of the congregation didn't know. The rumor got so bad that even though the elders knew he has cancer and was receiving treatment they visited to see if there was any truth in the matter that some people have been saying hit hits his wife (my mum).
I mean, lets face it, this organization is all about truth isn't it?
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
At best i believe in an "instigator". A person/spirit/thing that at least started the creation process.
It seems to me that after we were created we were left to it. I don't believe "sin" exists. We attach meaning to things ourselves.
Thank you Watchtower for f***ing up my reasoning skills.
so last thursday was meeting day.
my wife knows my thoughts on this religion and respects my fade and is completely ok with it (which surprised me, and also made me love her even more).
i think she must know it's all crack-pot stuff but seeing as her whole family are all in and about 98% of them cant even explain their beleifs without a watchtower on hand i think she's just going along for the friends/family/social side of it.
So last Thursday was meeting day. My wife knows my thoughts on this religion and respects my fade and is completely ok with it (which surprised me, and also made me love her even more). I think she must know it's all crack-pot stuff but seeing as her whole family are all in and about 98% of them cant even explain their beleifs without a Watchtower on hand i think she's just going along for the friends/family/social side of it. I have no doubt she'll leave on her own too in a few years.
Before the meeting my 2yo runs off to play with the other kids. I sit in my seat and load JW app up ready. An elder says hello to me and is then dragged away by another elder to talk about loft conversions. A newly married sister approaches and asks how my job is going, we make small talk and she doesnt get my humor (she's from another part of the country), and i think i've offended her by saying "you look different today, must be all this sunshine we're having. You look well.". She makes her excuses and dissapears.
Meeting begins.
Meeting finishes (thank Alla/Odin/Thor/Marduk/Ba'el)
I'm wandering around. The cliques are in full swing. No way for me to join in their conversations about sports (yawn), Brother so-and-so STILL hasn't asked sister gagging-for-it out on a date yet (just f***ing doing it already or leave her alone!). So i approach sister gagging-for-it-but-pretending-that-she-isnt and ask how she is (making sure im holding my daughter so she knows im not coming on to her) - unfortunately, im a married man, so no chance of me fawning over her and giving her compliments so she doesnt want to speak to me. So she gives me one word answers and then starts talking to my daughter.
Thats fine.
Really, it is.
Then on my way out i meet brother fading-in-secret-who-has-some-GREAT-reasonings-about-how-this-religeon-is-bullshit and tell him "i made an effort today to speak to people i dont usually speak to. And now i remember WHY i dont speak to them" (we both laugh) and he says "i know what you mean".
Oh well. I'd rather have just one "worldly" friend that likes me for who i am than 8 million "brothers" that really only speak to me when they need to.
On another note, some of you have PM'd me asking how im doing since my very first post and subsequent ones. Im doing good. I'm over the sadness/anger/gratefull phase now but still get the occasional pangs of sadness. Not of losing anthing by leaving this publishing house/cult but of what might have been. I passed up studying medicine when i left school (it was offered to me) because "armageddon was just around the corner". But at the same time, i wouldnt have met my wife and had my daughter had i not joined this cult. So that's one good thing to come out of it.
One sentence alone justifies my fade when my wife asks... "have you noitced that its impossible to leave this religion with your reputation in tact?" that was a major wake up call for me and that began my doubts. No wonder we shouldnt look at critical websites... because they're FULL of, not rumor/lies, but FACTS and EVIDENCE.
Right, rant over.
[hide] .
The last I heard about "the gay issue" is one of our elders coming back from an Elders school saying "we've got nothing against gays, as long as they dont act upon it there's no reason why they cant go far like any other member".
i still have my convention to "look forward to".
looking forward to see/hearing some of the things of the things i've been reading about on here.
i've already seen the cultish vids on youtube.
I still have my Convention to "look forward to". Looking forward to see/hearing some of the things of the things i've been reading about on here. I've already seen the cultish vids on YouTube. I imagine the audience will think it's just amazing and the number of pioneers will double for a week or so.
Makes me remember some memorable RC's over the years. Such as:
2015: The opening prayer, the man didnt end it "in Jesus name, Amen." He just finished his last sentence and walked off. We were all standing there with out heads down and eyes closed waiting for the end... which never came. - He would've got a talking to for that i'd imagine.
2009: Me being roped into cleaning duty. Missed the drama (the only slightly interesting part of the day). During the drama i had the "privilege" of mopping up other peoples vomit, urine and random spillages. The only redeeming factor was the Persian girl in the cleaning team who i naturally spent the entire time trying to get in with.
2007: Longest closing prayer on record. 22 minutes 20 seconds. Was just ridiculous how long his prayer went on. It was like another talk. Me and my brothers time the last prayer because it's usually were the most self important, self righteous, show off tries to impress us all with his "many words" (Matthew 6:7)
After this, i've made my own rule that any prayer over 5 mins will result in my saying AMEN and walking out.
im talking about crazies.
and i mean, way out there mentally ill nutters that think they're perfectly sane.
every congregation seems to have at least one.
Im talking about crazies. And i mean, way out there mentally ill nutters that think they're perfectly sane. Every congregation seems to have at least one. I think it'd be fun to share who your "one" is.
In my hall we have a lady with only one tooth in her head. She comes to the hall with a dirty old toy pram with a black plastic bin-bag on it. In the plastic bag is a collection of dusty, chipped old ornaments.
In my previous hall there is a woman who sits in the very front shushing people who talk or make any noise whatsoever in the meetings. She also answers rhetorical questions from the platform out loud.
An elder in another hall turns up every Sunday with a spare white shirt - in case the visiting speaker turns up wearing any other colored shirt, in which case he demands the speaker to put on the new shirt!
(Yes, i know many will say ALL JW's are crazy, but im talking about way out there types that we all recognize but just go along with)
...is an epic triumph is emotional manipulation.
bringing together all of the stories they told thus far and placing them int he "new world" complete with the little boy who was killed in a car accident coming back from the dead.. i have a good friend who is stuck in with family and plays the role.
he said everyone was crying, and the people next to him rated the videos by how many tissues they needed to dry their eyes.
I have all this to come - our convention is in August.
Im laughing at some of the comments here, well done guys. I'm a born in. I've been mentally out for about 6 weeks and in the process of fading. Research, other bibles and, you know, actually using my BRAIN for a change has been wonderful.
I'd rate this 5 tissues too... but that's just me knocking on out over the girl at 1:53
i gave a several talks in gadsden alabama usa during the 90's.
got to eat and chat with several elders who were in the know such as : felix parnell, willie anderson, bobby rogers, earl parnell, theotis french, and rob dibble.
all said they struggled with the decision of his dfing.
Adam - bearded
Enoch - bearded
Moses - bearded
Abraham - bearded
12 Disciples - bearded
Jesus - bearded
C.T. Russell - bearded
Leviticus 19:27: “‘You must not shave* the hair on the side of your head* or disfigure the edges of your beard.+
Are we missing something here? If anything, if they want to be so hardcore to the rules they should have a rule for NOT have a beard.
my initial pangs of unease and doubt led me to research some things.
well, a lot of things really.
i've never felt comfortable using the bible to try to calculate dates (1914).
Refusing a discussion with them is the smartest thing to do. If you say "I don't talk about religion" you have started the game and now it is their turn. I know what they will say to that and so do you. It is a game, the only way to beat them at it is avoid them and be as nice as possible about it. I know, I did it the hard way. If I were you and they came to me and I felt trapped. I would focus the game on them. Hey, nice to see you! How have you been? How is your family? Everything all right? How is sister so and so? Me? I'm doing great, I just can't keep up sometimes, you know how it is. Try not to give them a turn focusing on you. Thank them for being concerned about you and then stare them in the face and say, I am doing just fine. Hey, I got to go, nice seeing you! Always stare them in the eyes when you talk and do not look away. Make them look away, watch their eyes. Its a game you can win if you play it right. You be the one in control of the situation.
Thanks again.
The unfortunate, and tricky thing is, my wife's dad is an elder. In my hall (and im sure every hall) there's social cliques. the "who's who" of witnesses. Her dad is very much in that clique of elders families all getting together doing things, going on holidays together etc. I cant escape contact with him all my life. I dont dislike him although we've had some major run in's with eachother since i've been married to my wife (see my very first post). But at the same time he doesn't see the woods for the tree's so to speak. He lives the perfect elders family life. He doesn't question, look into or debate WT doctrine... hell, he even asks ME questions about theology (im very well read in world religions).
So if it comes to it, im gonna use 1914 as my exit card. I guarantee almost all witnesses cant explain it in laymans terms or even with the bible alone. My wife doesn't even understand it, she just rolls with it because it's too complicated to look into.
I'll become "the brother who is stumbled and researching his beliefs" then never look back.
Interesting update guys, only this morning i told my wife the real reason we don't do birthdays. Because Bro Rutherford banned them because he, personally, didn't like them. In the same breath he also banned singing in the meetings, handshakes (they were effeminate apparently) and tipping your hat to women (they shown subservience to women). She was surprised and laughed and said:
HER: I wish we celebrated birthdays
ME: OK, from now on we will
And we will.