Seeing as im being shunned by my family and friends. I've decided to turn the tables and shun them back - but using the same methodology and reasoning they use on me. I've written the following letter:
Dear mum
This will be the last time you hear from me. Since being
disfellowshipped I’ve taken the advice of elders and Watchtower publications
and studied the bible to draw close to Jehovah. I now know that I am close to Jehovah. More so than I’ve
ever been. However, from my studies it is clear to me that we must stick to
Gods word rather than mans.
It’s very clear to me that the love you have for me is
conditional on the basis that I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But be assured
that the love I have for you in unconditional.
That won’t change. But at the same time my love is wasted because you are
commanded to hate me (Watchtower 1961 Jul 15 p.420).
Please be assured that I worship Jehovah. I approach him
through his son Jesus Christ and study His word the bible daily. Jesus words
take precedence over what any man or organization tells me, I hope you can
understand that. (Matthew 5:44)
As such I will no longer try to contact you, and will no
longer allow <my daughter> to see you. Nor any other children I may have. <my daughter> asks
about you a lot and she likes to see photo’s of you and <my step-brother> (there’s one in
her room that she kisses). But to save her the emotional burden I have removed
any photos of you. And when she asks I have started to tell her that you’re not
allowed to see us anymore.
I understand you do this because you think it’s what God
wants. And if that’s you’re sincere believe I’ll respect that. But it’s my sincere
belief that shunning to the extent that the WT society demands is unscriptural.
Please also read Watchtower 1977 Jun 1 p.347 in which
you’re also admonished not to attend my funeral if I die. I may as well tell
you now that I’ve had two cancer scares in the past 3 years. The last one being
only 3 months ago (<my ex-wife> will confirm that if you ask her) when I had to get a
full medical. At the moment they don’t think I have prostate cancer but I do believe
I will have it one day seeing as my dad and grandad did.
I thank you for raising me and looking after me as a child
and in a way I’m glad that growing up I didn’t have a mother-son relationship
with you like my brothers and sisters had. Otherwise it would have made me
cutting off contact with you a lot harder. As I raise <my daughter> alone I will show
her unconditional love despite what beliefs she has, despite what she does and
even if she doesn’t love me back. I cant help but love her, and would gladly die
in Armageddon than shun her. I hope you understand that.
This hasn’t been an easy letter to write. Please understand
that I follow Gods word, not mans. And I question any organization that claims
to be God’s that would use emotional blackmail to this extent.
Your son
<Pale.Emperor> x
Not nice when it's done back is it? Not nice when someone uses emotions as leverage. Maybe she'll know what it's like every day for me for the rest of my life.