a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a MS or serving at bethel yet
What a stupid thing to say. Never mind that you may not want to slave for the organization.
i have not been active here lately just lurking mostly but i have no one to talk to and i need some help i guess.i started working out and became friends with my personal trainer(we went to school together).i started going out with him(lying to my mother about what i was doing,another thing to add to the list of lies,it's becoming too easy!
) and i notice i'm slowly becoming the worldy people that the jw's described.i've become very selfish and rude and very apathetic towards everything and everyone.i always thought the values that jw's taught were really good.if i cut ties with the only friend i have now , i would probably slip into a deep depression and i that is something that i want to avoid at all costs.i start university in january and my plan was to stick it out in the organisation until i got my degree and became fully independant but as of late a elder told me i am being considered to become a m.s and told me what i need to work on and since then the other elders have been nagging me to work on the same things.i'm trying to rid my self of my 'priveleges' in the cong but nothings working...if anyone has experienced a similar situation what advice would you give?
, oh and my mom was always super into the religion having been a pioneer and bethel worker for years but we went to the regional convention two weeks ago and now she is even more exasperating (for example a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a ms or serving at bethel yet, which is fine i've learnt how to deal with these questions but when i told my mother whom has always been content with me just being in the religion and never pushed me towards anything asked me if i was happy with what i was and if i would not be happier at bethel or regular pioneering.
a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a MS or serving at bethel yet
What a stupid thing to say. Never mind that you may not want to slave for the organization.
yesterday a letter was read in our congregation.
it said that there have been doctrinal changes in many chapters of the book 'god's kingdom rules' so everyone but especially the conductor must be sure to use the latest update of the book.. this book is only ...how old?
two years?
You can see why they're really encouraging digital editions of their publications. Changes can be made immediately before anyone even knows.
well i just got back from 3 days in hell, and geez was this convention strange or what?
im sure someone's probably made a topic about this already but i can't believe that there weren't any new releases besides the movies.
has that ever happened before?
There is the assumption that all jw live in houses with basements.
I live on the 4th floor in an apartment block, im screwed. Where am i gonna hide?
i need wt quotes where wt goes fully out and: .
demonizes the internet, .
witnesses preaching on the internet.
I remember my mum flat out refused to have the internet. I used to go to libraries to use it and learn and study the many things i was interested in. She used to ask me "what are you doing on there? All that information...". She was convinced that the internet is just so people can grow magic mushrooms, look at pornography and spread apostasy.
Years later she relented because a pioneer couple who she just worshiped got the internet. So we got the internet.
I promptly looked up some porn and apostasy... never did grow any mushrooms.
i have far too many to name, but ill start with obscene music, gambling and cussing like a sailor.
all the while preaching to "worldly people" about their impending death at armageddon.
Since leaving i met up with a girl that went to the same congregation as me, she was a pioneer in her late teens who just left quite suddenly. She stopped going to meetings and just disappeared. No one inquired after her.
When i asked her what made her leave she said "actually, when i stopped going to the meetings i still believed it was the truth. The reason i stopped going was Brother X (a married min servant in his 40s) kept sending me text messages telling me he loved me. He'd wait outside my workplace and try to talk to me after work each day and take me out. Once day he broke down in tears and told me he'd leave his wife for me and kissed me. I was so freaked out i ran and stayed home for a week. He kept texting and calling begging me not to tell his wife. And i didn't. I only told my mum. Mum said it'd be best if we didn't go anymore."
Since leaving this brother has been appointed as an elder. The girl went to Uni and is now a lawyer.
this is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
I would take an interest in JW history. Many JW's collect the old books and photo's of Bro Russel or Rutherford. Find the one about Beth Sarim with Rutherford sitting outside his mansion waiting for the prophets of old to be resurrected to live with him in California. Give a little laugh and say "i wonder why Jehovah told him that".
Then leave it.
Little seeds.
does anyone know anything about the luscious elaine?
is she a professional actress or just a member of the r&f recruited to be a member of the cast of this video?
the pout,olive skin stunning looks make my heart miss a beat every time i see this beauty.
People told me to have tissues ready before watching this video... and when i saw her i knew they were right!
Id be made up locked in a bunker with her.
in the congregation that i grew up in there were about 30 children under 16 (myself included).
as time went on they one by one slipped away from the meetings and most never got baptized.
of those 30 children only myself and two other girls stayed and got baptized.
May I ask, what area this is happening in?
I go to a Spanish Speaking congregation and I also see this happening.
Without giving away my old congregation, this is in the North West of the UK
in the congregation that i grew up in there were about 30 children under 16 (myself included).
as time went on they one by one slipped away from the meetings and most never got baptized.
of those 30 children only myself and two other girls stayed and got baptized.
In the congregation that i grew up in there were about 30 children under 16 (myself included). As time went on they one by one slipped away from the meetings and most never got baptized. Of those 30 children only myself and two other girls stayed and got baptized. Of us three myself and one girl have "fell away".
So by the example 1 in 30 young ones actually stay in the organization. Wether the girl still in actually beleives it is another matter, she's married with children now so for all we know could be staying because she's comfortable. Comfort was the reason i stayed two years longer than i should have. I stopped believing it but carried on for two years because i didn't know anyone outside the JW religion.
So my old KH is full of old ones. New members that come in aren't young, they're 30yo+. I hear that this congregation is merging with another one because they very rarely fill even half the seats. My last congregation it's the same story. Only they're merging THREE congregations together.
I think it's a clear sign that the governing body have no idea how to keep young intelligent minds "in" this religion. So many rules to abide by that are unreasonable.
I was speaking to someone only yesterday about my old JW life and she was surprised that the little ones are supposed to sit there in meeting and conventions listening to the same thing as the adults. Nothing entertaining or exciting about it - even for adults.
the message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
Notice how the "wayward" child has a beard?
Ah yes, when a young one wakes up and leaves it's "them" thats the problem and the parents who are suffering. No one mentions that the poor lad may have been kicked out of the family home here.