Of the 30 kids that were in my old hall (yes, 30 kids!!) only 5 of us including me stayed in. I've since left, 2 have moved hall and the remaining 2 are hit and miss.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
With up to 70% of young ones leaving what's the future of the jw's?
by karter inthey wlll always have new people coming in but the majority of the congro's are getting older particularly the inner city ones were it is expensive to live.
they are struggling to get men to be elders and m.s's and this can only get worse as very few young ones stay around.
Aussie jw girl very sick in US funded by wordly people carity
by sherrie11 inhttp://www.smh.com.au/nsw/i-want-to-go-home-13yearold-phelicity-sneesbys-dying-wish-20160130-gmhky4.html.
this article is sad.
but what amazes me is her jw family is accepting donations or has to resort to the very worldly people they look forward to being destroyed.
Looks like she's reached her target. Great news. My heart really goes out to her and her family.
Just on a side note though, $150,000 was needed and theres, what?, 8 million Jehovahs Witnesses? They'd only need to donate 2 cents each and it would have been paid for overnight.
Learn To Speak Like A Jehovah's Witness
by pale.emperor infor those who were never a jw, here's a fun guide to passing yourself as one:.
privilege [priv-lij] - a duty nobody would volunteer to do which is assigned to you without your say so.
such as cleaning the toilets, picking up other brats candy wrappers in the back row and being stuck on locking up duty for the 7th time in a row.. df'd [dee-eff'd] - disfellowshipped.
For those who were never a JW, here's a fun guide to passing yourself as one:
PRIVILEGE [priv-lij] - A duty nobody would volunteer to do which is assigned to you without your say so. Such as cleaning the toilets, picking up other brats candy wrappers in the back row and being stuck on locking up duty for the 7th time in a row.
DF'd [dee-eff'd] - Disfellowshipped. A "cool" slang word for the practice of pretending your best friend and/or family members no longer exist so that they'll rejoin your cult.
JC [jay-see] - Judicial Committee. Another "cool" slang word for an illegal, biased and unfair kangaroo court where three men decide if you're sorry enough for breaking one of the many rules they've added to the bible.
THE TRUTH [troo-th] -
1) Whatever the Watchtower Society have printed in their latest magazine. Will automatically override anything they've previously said.
2) A pet name for your own religion
3) A mind control/hypnotic method of subtly convincing oneself that you actually have "the truth" by using it often to refer to ones own religion.
THE WORLD [wur-ld] - Anyone who isnt a Jehovah's Witness who will therefore be destroyed at armageddon and become birdfood. The age, mental health or disability of such people matters not one bit.
GENERATION [jen-er a' shun] -
The entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time.Worldly people from 1878 to 1914.The anointed.Worldly people who lived from 1914 to 2000.The anointed.The anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 overlapping with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation.
APOSTATE [apos stayt] - Anyone who leaves. Regardless of how kind, loving and unassuming they are.
YOGA [yo'ga] - The practice of emptying ones mind so a demon can pop in.
My Story
by SamTheGinge inso, i joined just yesterday after coming across this forum looking at beth sarim, and i though that i would share my story with you.
it will no doubt be very similar to a lot of others, but it's a way of getting to know me at least.. i was brought up as witness from the age of 4 years old, my dad picked up the 'truth' from one of his friends in the pub and it seemed to go from there, he would quickly get baptised and progress to becoming a ministerial servant and then an elder.
from a young age i wanted to be like my dad and become a pioneer, a ministerial servant and then an elder... perhaps even becoming a co. the world, spiritually speaking, was my oyster.
Welcome Sam. Your story sounds very familiar. By your avatar im guessing you're in Lancashire? Im in Liverpool myself.
(Also, scouting for girls in the convention was a sport when i was 18-24.)
What is your story?
by HereIgo ini thought it would be fun to get to know each other's background a little better.. what brought you into the "truth"?
were you born in?.
what caused you to have doubts?.
Born in. Im from a large family and my uncles, aunts, cousins were witnesses too. Those who wern't were dead to us so to this day i dont know who/where they are.
Baptized at 19 because you couldn't get a girl if you wern't baptized. Believed it but still thought there must be more to it that will become apparent later.
Doubts came when i was 20, they were quashed by my mum and family digging out Watchtower articles from yester-year and asking that old question "where would you go without the truth?"
Major doubts came in my late 20s when i saw first hand the social cliques, elders not giving a damn, the ever changing rules and i couldn't marry up 1914, blood and non-birthdays with any bible verses. Plus i genuinely believed we should be loving to everyone, no matter of their religion or sexual orientation.
Started my fade at age 30, my "apostate views" were discovered and i was disfellowshipped. Best thing that ever happened to me.
Major Doctrinal Changes Must Be On The Way
by notsurewheretogo inthe statement in the article "who is leading gods people today?
" in the feb 17th study edition of the wt is very interesting.. it states: ""the g.b.
is neither inspired nor infallible" ..we can err .in doctrinal matters....".
Before my disfellowshipping was announced and my family were still speaking to me i told them all "things will change, they have to if this religion is to continue". They all said "no, no, the bible doesn't change" they didn't see the distinction.
Im guessing the GB are pondering how they can scrap the 1914 teaching while keeping their power. They may play the humble card. "The GB humbly admits that they were wrong in their interpretation" but quickly come out with a new prophecy which will create a happy buzz in the congregations.
It's by belief that when this GB are all dead, the new younger GB will scrap A LOT of the controversial rules and blame the deaths and broken families on the old GB.
If the GB changed a major teaching, would all witnesses just go along with it?
by stuckinarut2 inso if the gb changed its "bible based beliefs" on some teaching, would witnesses all of a sudden change their individual beliefs too?.
witnesses like to claim that "their bible trained hearts and minds" make them believe as they do, but we know that the reality is that all witnesses hold their "deep seated beliefs" according to what they have been told to believe.. so what would cause the average witness to question those that dictate their "personal convictions"??.
When i was in i blindely followed whatever was spewed up from Brooklyn. Who was i to think i knew better than Gods chosen channel?
"Don't you want our kids to have what we had?"
by schnell inmy wife just asked me this.
my answer, in no uncertain terms, is no.
we both grew up in the dub religion.
My sister said a similar thing before she cut me off entirely. "I want my kids to marry people who have high morals and no STDs" of course there's only the JW's that are moral and STD free isnt there?
Pyramid Schemes
by schnell inseveral years ago, i was introduced to a "wonderful" company called fortune hi tech marketing by a brother and his wife.
they had been introduced by a former sheriff who claims he had researched the company and found no leins or judgments, and that former sheriff had been brought in by a pastor.
you can read what happened with fhtm on wikipedia if you so desire.. this whole new idea of multilevel marketing had my brain reeling, though, and soon enough, i actually signed up with none other than prepaid legal.
I almost got took in by one a few years ago. The fact that my recruiter would ring me at all hours of the day trying to get me to sign up made me pull the phone out of the socket and research properly. Glad i did.
The ones i know of here in the UK are Kleeneze, Herbalife
God's Rule Book ....The org is setting the scene....
by tor1500 ini went to my midweek meeting this week.
very interesting....couple of things i noticed in the god's rule book, this week finishing up "the kingdom is born in heaven".
there was a footnote that read:for many years the watch tower was intended mainly for members of the little flock for their personal edification.
Cummon guys, when we were "in" what did we do for most of the convention? Pale Emperor was sketching, writing stories, reading more interesting bible bits with lots of killing and waiting for the lunch break so he could meet girls.