Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto Take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.
Here's mine. Picture taken from the Watchtower Feb 2017.
your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto Take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.
Here's mine. Picture taken from the Watchtower Feb 2017.
my mom has been extensively texting me, trying to argue that the un ngo scandal is not a big deal and that the child abuse scandal is to instigate the great tribulation.
even worse, she kept saying how great it is that the gb is imperfect and fallible and that teaching changes all the time.
maybe it was aggravation or impatience, but i finally just snapped and told her, "it's a cult, mom.".
Exactly the same reaction over here too. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
My brother who is studying with them has started shunning me now too because i came out and said "it's a cult".
in my area i'd guess 30% of the men maybe more have some kind of beard.
this craps gotta wake up somebody still in!.
So glad im out of this cult. No more bullshit rules like this. I actually let these fools make mundane decisions for me about my own facial hair.
has anyone found any religion that makes more sense than the watchtower organization?
obviously catholics make even less sense than them so don't say that.... the reason i ask is because i still believe the bible is the word of god, but just that the jw's have twisted it for their own benefit, as most religions seem to do....
I used to believe in the bible even after I left the witnesses, but if you research how we actually got the bible we have today you will see it's a miss-mash of books chosen by the Catholic Church that fit nicely together. Lots of other books were kept out.
Secondly, even if Jesus did do/say all those things - he didn't start a religion. He gave people a method to live their lives. And only one commandment: LOVE.
We can all do that.
was going through the book that is currently being studied at midweek meetings.. paragraph 18 of chapter 11 reads.... a second area of moral refinement involves themeasures taken to keep the congregation clean.
sad-ly, not all who accept jehovah’s standards of conductand dedicate themselves to god loyally stick withtheir decision.
some eventually have a change ofheart and willfully rebel against those standards.what is to be done about such ones?
"...evidently..." i love it when they use that word. Splane used it when explaining the overlapping generation crap "evidently".
i am incredibly disturbed.
many of the jws i'm still friends with on facebook are incredibly excited that trump won the american presidential race, posting, "yay!
i'm so happy!
They love a good disaster dont they? I used to say the same things when i was a JW and there was a natural disaster.
for those that don't want to listen to the broadcast i've made a transcript on the section presented by losch on champions of truth.. be a champion of truth.
in today's world truth is being attacked and distorted.
we are being surrounded by a sea of lies and misrepresentations.... satan is the father of the lie but today there are children of the lie..... a lie is a false statement deliberately being presented as true.
It also sets us free from false teachings, from spiritism, from astrology and magic.
Errrrmmm... EVERY JW i know has the superstitious belief of demons living in 2nd hand shirts and vases bought from charity shops. So the average JW doesn't really think they're protected.
I would agree though that the truth really does set you free from fear. Fear of a hebrew sky pixie with an obsession with blood, watching everything we do every minute of the day just biding his time until he nukes 4 billion people for not knowing who he is. Yes, once you stop believing that you can live a happy life free from fear.
how many witnesses are aware that technically, according to watchtower policy, they can if they wish too...associate with dissociated and disfellowshipped relatives.
for all those who are dissociated or disfellowshipped, please share this with your relatives who are currently shunning you.
there is nothing the elders can do as long as they are not discussing spiritual matters.
I'd love to see them tell the truth just once:
november broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
Jaydubyaborg FAQ paints a less than truthful view too.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Shun Former Members of Their Religion?
"What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah's Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue."
Filthy liars. When those children reach the age of majority the shunning is expected to commence! (If not before)
And lets not forget that the leaver is held to ransom for the rest of his life because if he dares to join another religion, celebrate a holiday or vote he's "disassociated by his actions". It's a dirty trap.
november broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
I haven't watched it yet but im gonna take a stab in the dark here...
The son who wants to leave is acting all self righteous and hard hearted and the parents are sobbing because HE left THEM? Then HE leaves the family home voluntarily and the PARENTS are the ones to be pitied?
Yeah, coz that's exactly how it happens in real life.