Wonder what Ray Franz would make of him?
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Quite Possibly The Most Sinister Speaker Ever?
by pale.emperor inhi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
Quite Possibly The Most Sinister Speaker Ever?
by pale.emperor inhi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
Hi guys.
"Brother" Jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard. And i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.
He's over the top with his voice tone and gestures. I see a future governing body member in the making here:
That One Defining Moment That Changed Your Life.
by new boy init seems that many times in life there is a moment or an action that changes your whole world.
it could be just a look that someone gives you.. many times it can be something rather small.
something hardly noticeable by anyone but you.
Birth of my daughter. The 10 seconds of silence when she finally arrived, then the rush of relief when she finally cried which means she's breathing and she's alive. Those 10 seconds of wondering will she live or has she died in childbirth? Never wanting to repeat those 10 seconds again meant i questioned the blood doctrine seriously. Which lead me to what the Jewish law ACTUALLY said. I knew i'd been duped to believe some bumbling GB members current opinion of what the bible said rather than letting people make their own choices.
It was steady decline from then on from the Org to TTATT.
Never looked back.
JW.org Caption Competition
by pale.emperor inyour challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto jw.org.
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
Sanctimonious, "WE'RE Thankful EVERY day."
by stillin inthanksgiving is really just a nice, traditional, family-oriented day set aside on a national level.
no babylon the great.
give me a break with the holier than thou, "we don't celebrate thanksgiving.
I remember those kind of responses, i used to parrot them myself:
MOTHERS DAY - We treat out mothers nice every day
FATHERS DAY - We treat out fathers nice every day
CHRISTMAS - [cue boring JW explanation of it's origin] then we have random surprise days which mean more.
In reality:
MOTHERS DAY - never treated my mother any better than any other religion did any day of the week.
FATHERS DAY - as above
CHRISTMAS - i remember having 2 (count em,) TWO "surprise days" in the 31 years i was a Jdub. Not that im bitter or anything but we used to claim we had these special days all the time.
Basically, anything involving joy and laughter is not allowed in this religion.
November Broadcast - truly evil
by iwasblind inhi there i don't watch much of the propaganda on jw.org anymore but i did catch the november broadcast.. i think these guys are either evil or controlled by someone who is incredibly skilled at mind control.. firstly, they establish their authority by saying "everything" else is a lie - you can't trust media or anyone.
"there is no inspiration today.." but they somehow have the direct connection with god - yuck.. then, they proceed with that disgusting "shunning" drama - but now it is not called shunning, (around 24 mins) the mother said... "if we were to stand between levi and the discipline he needs we would in affect be blocking an expression of jehovah's love from reaching him...".
i am so angry at this, what a load.
You're right. The "blocking an expression of Gods love" crap is a sneaky tactic to make the shunner not feel like they're doing something evil. Cults do that. Make something loving seem evil and something evil seem good all just to accomplish their own ends.
could you imagine them saying to a newly interested person "we'll expect you to shun you're children if they ever want to leave".
JW.org Caption Competition
by pale.emperor inyour challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go onto jw.org.
take one of their pics from any publication and add your own speech bubbles or caption.. here's mine.
picture taken from the watchtower feb 2017.. .
Interperatation of Revelation 13 due for an update?
by pale.emperor inregarding the watchtower interpretation of revelation 13 https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201105/seventh-world-power-bible-history/ - identifying the usa and britain as part of the legs of iron from daniels vision... i think they're gonna have to update this one in the next decade.. trump seems to be the last person who'd work closely with a female prime minister for one, secondly, us brits aint so powerful as we once was.
trump appears to be pretty ok with dealing with russia and for all we know could become an ally with them.. your thoughts?.
now that i read the watchtower interpretation of revelation without my jw spectacles on, it's laughable that they come to these conclusions..
I tire of the uninformed talking points.
My bad. Let's just hope he doesnt "grab her by the pussy". He can do that you know, he's rich.
Hi forum
by A Believer ini proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
Believer you sound just like me when i was "in". Please be aware that no one on here is trying to "lead others after themselves". 99% of us are ex-JW's. Some born in (like myself), some converted, some elders, min servents, even circuit overseers.
There's a huge difference from what the Watchtower society do and teach that is so the opposite of Christianity.
I used to pride myself as being part of "the only religion that follows the bible" because Christmas, Easter, Birthdays etc were not in there. You know what else isnt in there?
Reporting how many hours you preach on the ministry
Judicial commitees
If they're not from the Bible - where are they from?
Also, if the true god is directing this organization can you explain why Bro Rutherford forbade kingdom songs? They were only re-instated when Knorr took over after his death. Did Jehovah tell Rutherford to stop singing kingdom songs?
How about Rutherford teaching that the prophets of old will be resurrected in 1925 and live in a mansion in California called Beth Sarim? Did Jehovah tell him that? If not, where did the idea come from?
If anyone speaks in the name of Jehovah and that thing does not come true, you're supposed to reject that person as a false prophet. In fact, in the Old Testement, Rutherford would have been stoned to death for such a thing. Todays governing body too.
JWFacts does not list anything without solid proof from Watchtowers own magazines. Research my friend. I wish you the best.
Hi forum
by A Believer ini proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
I don't think anyone trying to learn about JW should do so on the internet
The governing body absolutely forbid you to take up honest/fair research about JW's. What does that tell you? The internet is full of information.