My brother is not a JW but was raised as one from birth like i was. He only goes to the meetings when a major world incident happens (9/11, hurricane katrina, london bombings, trump winning the election), then he stops attending after a few days when armageddon doesnt come. Surely Jehovah can see through such a thing?
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
"You Wouldn't Believe How Many Have Crawled Back To The Meetings"
by minimus inthat's a comment i heard from an elder i haven't seen in over a decade, yesterday.
i mentioned it all on my other thread.
i responded that i knew of no one that was crawling back to the meetings and gave him an incredulous hearty chuckle.
A Believer....... A naughty, naughty sheep....
by DATA-DOG in"a believer" seems to be our new apologist/disobedient sheep.
"a believer" ignores the "spirit-directed"/"bible-based" commands of the gb/fds!
shame on you, "a believer"!!!!
A Believer - i'll cut you some slack seeing as it appears you're not a baptized witness. It's coming accross that you're not aware of all of their policies. Are you having a bible study with a witness? Emotions can run high on here due to the stuff we've been through on account of this "religion". I myself am disfellowshipped because i tried to leave. My wife left me and my entire family regard me as dead.
I really hope you dont make the same mistake we all did. Ask your study conductor these questions, you may be quite surprised by their answers:
Who is your mediator?
The bible says: Jesus Christ
"… one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all." 1 Timothy 2:5,6
The Watchtower says: You dont have one. Jesus is the mediator only for the 144,000 (including the governing body).
"So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the "mediator" only for anointed Christians."
Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31"Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members." Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" (1986) pp.10-11
If a child is molested by a Jehovah's Witness, should the abuser be disfellowshipped?
The Watchtower says: Only if two people witnessed the assault. Only one witness? Doesnt count.
"The Bible says that there must be two or three witnesses before judicial action can be taken. (2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19)" Watchtower 1995 Nov 1 pp.28-9
I wish you well.
"We Had No Idea How Manipulative He Can Be!"
by pale.emperor invery stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
A Believer a day ago
Instead of claiming you're 2 year old is a liar, a group should be gathered with you their, and see if she will still say it.
I'm claiming my 2yo is a liar? When did i call her anything A Believer? My 2yo cant possible articulate the things she's apparently said. Unless some elders have given her yes or no questions to which she doesn't even understand. Sit a toddler down with two old men in suits glaring at her, along with her mother and grandparents and maybe, just maybe, the whole thing would seem a little odd and frightening dont you think? Do you think elders are trained in child psychology? child welfare?
i dont think my 2yo even knows whats going on.
While you're here can you explain to me why we're all still here even though the generation that will by no means pass away has... passed away? Unless of course your god was incapable of transmitting the "overlapping generation" teaching to the governing body? I await your answer.
My mother's treatment. Unreal.
by quellycatface ini disassociated myself 3 years ago but have never told my mother, as she lives quite a distance from me in the uk.
i've have told her that i no longer go to meetings, neither does my son, who is 16.. i haven't seen her for 3 1/2 years.
i offered to come visit this week but she was incredibly offhand with me and said she couldn't meet with me today as she was on the ministry!!
My brother who was never baptized said he isn't about to convert to be able to spend quality time with his mom in the ministry....Then she complains that he never calls or visit.
Similar situation with me. My older brother smokes, drinks to excess regularly, brings his no-good "worldly" mates home (he still lives with our mum). He's the golden boy and cant do a thing wrong.
Me, i was an active believer, since i left she tells people im dead. (she means spiritually dead but doesnt clarify that). It's messed up.
JWs take a page out of the Trinitarian playbook to support the generation of 1914
by OneGenTwoGroups inback in the "good old days", i would look for people in my territory, especially ministers in order to debate the trinity with them.
it was my pet subject that i had spent many hours over several years researching.
i was such a good anti-trinity apologist that i was actually disappointed with the trinity brochure when it came out.
The JW do not teach 2=1. Jesus is the weaker being and isn't God.
A Believer, what OneGenTwoGroups is referring to is the "overlapping generation" teaching that came out quite recently. The Watchtower organization for decades referred to "this generation" as those alive in 1914 who recognized the sign of Christs Presence. Now the teaching is that "this generation" evidently is referring to those who were of the annotated but were alive at the same time as some of the 1914 generation.
Surely you can see that this is not in the bible.
"We Had No Idea How Manipulative He Can Be!"
by pale.emperor invery stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
There is a handbook published by Jws on how to lie in court over custody battles. Your lawyer should have a copy
I never knew this. Does anyone have a PDF of it?
"We Had No Idea How Manipulative He Can Be!"
by pale.emperor invery stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
Thanks for the support and advice guys. I'm talking to a solicitor this week. I'm trying to collect as much evidence of the cult's stance on "how to treat disfellowshipped ones" and the effects the JW's have on families and their view of non Witnesses. Obviously this would look better coming from a physical copy of their magazines/books so i'll do some digging.
Of course, their website is very dishonest when it says "normal family ties continue" - that's only for those living at home. Anyone would think the witnesses are embarrassed that they shun defectors.
Did you ever experience true kindness in the Org?
by HereIgo ini remember when i was about 17, i started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped.
when i graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " i know you are not supposed to talk to me, but i want you to have this" it was a gift that he had custom made for me.
i was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before.
I can honestly say, hand on heart, there were only 3 elders that were genuinely loving and even now i have deep respect for.
As for the rest of the rank and file, there are less than 10 that i would say were genuine christian qualities. The rest were unapproachable and wouldn't speak to me unless they had to.
Meeting Attendance levels
by freddo ini attended a sunday meeting today after missing a couple due to a bout of chronic apathy.
out of 74 publishers we had a grand total of 33. wonderful.
for those that attend, how are you finding the numbers?.
My old cong would average about 70-80 on a good day. However, there were lots of families with children.
"We Had No Idea How Manipulative He Can Be!"
by pale.emperor invery stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
Very stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night. I dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home. All seemed good until i got home. She called me and ranted, shouted, screamed and wouldnt let me get a word in for a solid hour and a half. The reason? Because on one of the days that i had my daughter i visited a family that was putting up their christmas tree with their little kids. My daughter was overjoyed with the decorations and helped. She danced with the other little kids, painted, played with toys, had lunch and a fun time was had by all. I wasnt keeping this a secret from my wife but i didnt tell her about it either. She called me, absolutely livid, because our daughter had mixed with non-JW children, had put up a christmas tree and been in someones house that she didnt know.
Irony overload when she said "how do i know these people arnt pedophiles for goodness sake?!!"
Then came a torrent of abuse, name calling and accusations. She told me somethings which, if true, are quite upsetting. Such as:
My family being in contact with her and telling her how cruel i am that i dont allow my daughter to visit unless im there. (My family are shunning me, but expect me to drop my daughter off for visits, leave, then come back and get her when the visit is over). My sister and mother have told their elders and the rest of the family that me doing so is very manipulative and cruel. To which the elders in my old congregation have said "We had no idea how manipulative he can be!"
My ex-best friend in the congregation saying that i encouraged him to go to a strip club. (We did go a strip club, it was his bachelor party and HIS idea!)
The congregation all talking about me saying i dont care for my daughter. (LIE)
BUT THE WORST IS YET TO COME... she called the elders. Two elders visited her home and asked my 2yo girl about me. Apparently, a 2yo child told them that i have women over in my house all the time. How a 2yo can articulate such a claim is beyond me. The truth is, when im with my daughter NO ONE is allowed to visit me. Thats my time with my daughter. My ex doesnt believe this and is now only allowing me to see my girl 1 day every 2 weeks!!