That's a comment I heard from an elder I haven't seen in over a decade, yesterday. I mentioned it all on my other thread. I responded that I knew of no one that was crawling back to the meetings and gave him an incredulous hearty chuckle. When I was leaving he noted that I seemed negative with him and I said absolutely not---just being realistic 🤓
"You Wouldn't Believe How Many Have Crawled Back To The Meetings"
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
They just don't get it.
'Crawled back to the meetings'?!
He actually used that word?
Arrogant bastards ...
He is living in a dream world. If anything, they're emptying the kingdumb hells.
Since I didn't accept his fantasy I was "negative "... lol
Should quote some bible in response ... something about "dogs returning to their vomit"?
A Believer
'Crawled back to the meetings'?!
He actually used that word?
Arrogant bastards ...
Its better to not believe everything someone says on the internet.
I wonder if Saturn in Sagittarius has anything to do with it. Sagittarius rules religion and spiritual matters, and Saturn is malefic. And last time Saturn transited Sagittarius in 1985-88, we had huge numbers of people out of the field becoming jokehovian witlesses. I wonder if it will settle down after December 2017, when Saturn finally gets out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn.
Or, if and when the dollar becomes toilet paper and they are not preparing for the possibility of a major financial wipeout, they will regret throwing away their money. You donate toward the Worldwide Damnation Fund, you cannot get your computer ready for a long time without possible upgrades and replacing things that break. No car repairs, no getting that bicycle, no being able to buy silver and gold, no buying emergency supplies, no nothing. While I do not like the idea of having to eat rats and mice for food, I think it's better if it comes to that than nothing at all. And, nothing at all is what the jokehovians will have.
And especially those who are going to waste their money going on that ultimate of stupidity--Israel. Those returning are probably going to hear about that, and any that waste the time and resources to qualify are going to regret it. Every ounce of silver that is wasted on this stupidity is an ounce of silver that will not be able to buy necessities when the time comes. It is also no longer able to get that new hard drive that is past due to fail, or that Windows 7 or 8 CD so you won't be stuck with that spyware system of Windows 10. Or, to stock up on food (non-perishables). I, personally, would rather take advantage of whatever stall time the big banks are doing now to prepare with silver, replacements for things that are at the end of their life, or stocking up on non-perishable food items than wasting it on Israel missions.
"crawling"? That is probably how some elders view their "sheep " arriving for meetings anyway, all dressed and dolled up in deference to them, the glorious ones. Fishers of men, there are actually crawling fish, mudskippers. crawling mudskippers, caught in "the fishnet".